• ssu
    You misunderstand me. I was talking about power relations in the Nazi ghetto versus the Gaza "ghetto."BitconnectCarlos
    You misunderstood me too. Notice I was referring to the Polish Home Army. That's the 1944 Uprising, which was quite more devastating for Warsaw than the Warsaw Ghetto uprising of 1943 without trying to belittle the 56 000 that were killed or sent to death camps from the Ghetto after the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.

    You likely are aware that there was a larger uprising in Warsaw when the Red Army was on the near the city (and conveniently stopped for a while for the Germans to take care of problematic Polish resistance)?

    In any case, the power dynamic between the two scenarios is not remotely similar.BitconnectCarlos
    It has many similarities, even if naturally there are differences.

    It was really brilliant, and it mostly only wounded them so it puts a strain on their medical system while taking them out of the fight.BitconnectCarlos
    Feeling the same way of the bombings of Lebanon? The Lebanese Health Official reported that at least 274 people died in these air strikes. Or are those numbers also a propaganda?

    Well, Bibi has turned the next page and goes for Hezbollah. Now he's not facing a two front war, so he can freely start a war in Lebanon.

    Hopefully he doesn't want to go for a land war... to get it straight after the dismal performance during the last invasion of Lebanon (or the prior one, from which everything started... like Hezbollah in the first place).

    Egypt's foreign minister is at least alarmed:

    (Times of Israel, 23rd Sept) Egypt’s foreign minister warned Sunday of the risk of an all-out regional war as fighting between Israel and Lebanon’s Hezbollah terror group intensified, saying the escalation had “negatively impacted” long-embattled talks for a ceasefire-hostage deal between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

    Badr Abdelatty spoke ahead of an annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations in New York, with a chorus of international powers calling on Israel and Hezbollah to step back from the brink.

    “There is great concern about… the possibility of an escalation in the region leading to an all-out regional war,” he told AFP at UN headquarters, adding that the latest spike in violence had “negatively impacted” ceasefire negotiations.
  • BitconnectCarlos
    You likely are aware that there was a larger uprising in Warsaw when the Red Army was on the near the cityssu


    I also believe the Poles around this time '44/'45 were forced to wear stars and were next in line for deportation and death on the basis of their race. After the Jews and gypsies, then the Slavs I guess.

    It has many similarities, even if naturally there are differences.ssu

    In analyzing a situation or a historical comparison, power dynamics are important to me as are the fundamental nature of the parties involved & their aims.

    The Lebanese Health Official reported that at least 274 people died in these air strikes. Or are those numbers also a propaganda?ssu

    It's hard to know what to make of this figure; if you were to tell me 274 Hezbollah were killed I would cheer. The more dead Hezbollah the better. Obviously the lives of 274 innocent Lebanese civilians would be tragic, although civilian deaths are unfortunately excusable if they were hiding weapons in their house which Hezbollah pays them to do & were killed when the house was struck.

    I do take this number with a grain of salt as it contradicts earlier reports and seems inflated.

    Well, Bibi has turned the next page and goes for Hezbollah.ssu

    Sure but keep in mind the ~8000 rockets launched into northern Israel by Hezbollah over the past few months. Tens of thousands of Israelis have been forced from their homes and forests are burning and children have been killed playing soccer. Their rockets are truly indiscriminate.
  • frank
    In analyzing a situation or a historical comparison, power dynamics are important to me as are the fundamental nature of the parties involved & their aims.BitconnectCarlos

    I don't think comparing WW2 to the recent Gaza invasion helps me understand much. But as for the power dynamics, you know the Palestinians in Gaza originally went there and started lemon farms. The Israelis purposefully diverted the water supply away from the lemons because they didn't want the Palestinians to be there. They wanted them to move to Jordan, but they couldn't bring themselves to forcibly transport them because of what had happened in WW2.

    So the Palestinians resorted to starting small businesses in Gaza to support themselves. The Israelis increased taxes until all the Palestinians went out of business. Gaza became a giant refugee camp because the Israelis intentionally undermined their efforts to survive there.

    The Israelis have been persecuting the Palestinians for decades. It's just a fact, man.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    Ah yes, the Palestinians and their lemon farms. Did you know that when the Israelites conquered Canaan they were notorious for destroying the lemon farms of the locals? Looks like they're back to finish the job. Israel dedicated to destroying Palestinian lemons since the 13th century BC just like their ancestors. Thanks for the info and sticking up for the little guy.
  • frank
    Your contribution is appreciated.BitconnectCarlos

  • frank
    Thanks for the info and sticking up for the little guy.BitconnectCarlos

    But you're right. Israel is the little guy. They wouldn't be there if it weren't for their strategic value to the US, which has been fading for several decades now.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    Why do you figure Israel can't leave the innocent Palestinian lemon farmers alone to their crops? Perhaps it's because Israel grows limes and considers the lemon as competition. It is the Jews, after all.
  • frank

    You just can't do hummus without lemons. It's unthinkable.
  • ssu
    I also believe the Poles around this time '44/'45 were forced to wear stars and were next in line for deportation and death on the basis of their race. After the Jews and gypsies, then the Slavs I guess.BitconnectCarlos
    Every fifth Pole died during WW2, so the prospect of something like that isn't at all only theoretical. The Nazis were actually quite "consistent" in the different treatment of "races" in their hierarchial race theory: others were treated different from the Untermenschen.

    For example when Finland started fighting the Germans after the armstice with Russia, the German forces categorically destroyed every building, bridge and telephone pole when withdrawing to Norway. Yet there were no widespread atrocities: not only was the civilian population (who were few) allowed to evacuate to Sweden, the Germans even at times assisted in this. By Nazi racial ideology, Finns were part of the "Nordic race", just like Norwegians, and for example German men could marry women belonging to the "Nordic race". This just emphasizes how the brutal violence towards civilians in Russia and Eastern Europe was ideologically based.

    It's hard to know what to make of this figure; if you were to tell me 274 Hezbollah were killed I would cheer. The more dead Hezbollah the better.BitconnectCarlos
    I remember an anecdote I read from a memoir of a retired Finnish armed forces commander, who earlier had lead the Finnish blue berets in Lebanon:

    While in Lebanon, he had his wife(!) there visiting him, so he had took her one evening to hunt for wild boar (the natural thing to do with your wife in Lebanon, I guess). As they had moved on some hill, suddenly two Israeli AH-1 Cobras appeared and started circling around. He immediately signaled his wife to take cover under a bush and to not move. The attack helicopters flew around for a while and then left the area. Once they left, the continued the hunt for a while and then went back. Next day he read an IDF announcement that "two armed Hezbollah terrorists" had been sighted in the area they just had been.

    Hence in that region, killed people and even sighting of people easily come to be terrorists. As likely as fighters can become civilian boys too, I guess. So don't forget that grain of salt.
  • BitconnectCarlos
    No, even the partition plan is invalid because this was never agreed with the people who actually lived there. That was an act of theft itself.Benkei

    The Muslims didn't agree with it. Not the people; the muslims - their political leadership.

    And that's what it comes down to. Apparently for some people, Jewish self-determination is dependent on getting permission from the Muslims. Jews want to rule over themselves? Better get the Muslims to sign off on that. Specifically the Mufti of Jerusalem at that time, Amin al-Husseini, who supported the dhimmi system and was a friend of Hitler's. The Jews need his permission.

    So what happens if the Muslims in the region just categorically refuse any Jewish state? You know, because they see it as Muslim land in which Jews should remain second class citizens? What then?
  • Benkei
    The Muslims didn't agree with it. Not the people; the muslims - their political leadership.BitconnectCarlos

    Their religious persuasion is irrelevant. They were forced to accept a division of land after decades of colonisation without any say as to how this should be done. And it wasn't as if Jews were unwelcome before that.

    And that's what it comes down to. Apparently for some people, Jewish self-determination is dependent on getting permission from the Muslims. Jews want to rule over themselves? Better get the Muslims to sign off on that. Specifically the Mufti of Jerusalem at that time, Amin al-Husseini, who supported the dhimmi system and was a friend of Hitler's. The Jews need his permission.BitconnectCarlos

    No, what it comes down to is that you cannot exercise self-determination by displacing other natives (and it's not as if Jews were natives themselves, given the diaspora). That's been the issue that was and is resisted and it has nothing to do with being Jewish.

    But please pretend to be the victim when you steal someone else's land.
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