• an-salad
    The Estuary Of The Heavenly River
    Shang Zhu was barely a kilometer away from the ruins when his heads up display began displaying noticeable static interference. He looked at his partner, Xi, and wondered if she had noticed it as well. They were both wearing the latest lunar EVA ecscursion suits, dark grey with a solid yet snugly fit torso piece, with almost skin tight limbs reaching down to both the fingers and the toes. The soles of their feet had a black rubber shoe bottoms, and their neck was also covered in almost skin tight fabric, reaching up where their jaw met their skull. Their helmets were a lighter shade of grey, with a single black stripe stretching from their goggles to where the back of their skull made contact with their neck. A large hose connected the side of their helmets to the back of their torso piece. "Well, there it is." Xi said, unenthusaistically. "We better get going. No point in just standing around." She continued. Although they had been observed from lunar orbit numerous times, this was the first ground expidition to fully document the ruins up close.

    As they approached, the status interferience Shang had noticed earlier not only stopped, but the opposite seemed to be happening- He could somehow see better than he had ever seen before in his life. The ruins' components now seemed to be clear: They vaguely resembled ancient Greek architecture, namely the pantheon, but they were clearly different from it. It had already been determed that the ruins were larger than Ankgor Wat; but not by much. As the pair moved into the ruins themselves, what had until then only been a creeping possibility became clear: The ruins had not been built by life. not only was their construction not possible using any form of engineering or arcitecture, but the geometry of the ruins was not even mathematically valid. Nothing living could have built this. it was now obvious that whatever built these ruins was not alive; nor was it inantimate matter. It was something else. It was something that was a whole new concept, something we have no words for. Whatever it was, It could be from the other side of the universe for all we know, or in a nearby star system. whichever, it was clear that the universe was waiting.
  • Vera Mont
    Well, it's confusing, that's for sure! Are they on the moon? If so, what's a river estuary doing there?
    How come the environment suits are described in more detail than the ruins the people are investigating?
    If something was constructed, rules of mathematics and architecture had to apply. Our knowledge of buildings is that they are constructed by living entities for specific purposes. The conclusion is entirely unwarranted by the scant information you've supplied.
    Perhaps if you could point to some features that suggest inorganic growth, such as the formation of crystals and snowflakes.... but those are geometrically perfect, so that's no solution. An organic but undirected development, like a coral reef, could be a good example - but it requires living organisms.

    I don't see how you can make it work on the present premise.
    However, the idea of ruins on the moon or on Mars pointing to long-ago alien habitation, that could be the start of a good story.
  • Nils Loc
    It's less a story than it is an attempt to sketch a picture/scene by words.

    Perhaps a "mathematically invalid" structure could employ illusion or contradiction that breaks or bends classical/known laws of physics. But non-classical physics/phenomena, however bizarre, still is captured by the language of maths, assuming one has the time, and resources and body of knowledge to model its recurrent patterns. Detailed observation from either Shang or Xi would make it more interesting -- what precisely are they seeing that leads them to what make such an inference. If their instruments are compromised, why would they jump to the conclusion?

    Maybe the structure changes radically depending on their location. Shang might register a Parthenon while Xi sees something like a giant coral. They share each other's data to know the structure pattern is seemingly location or observer dependent. Data sharing could also change the structure.

    Though if this happens may they should just flee at this point and return to their consensus reality if at all possible. Back to their home, where Shang and Xi open the fridge to find the cold beer is cold beer and the couch is as soft and comfy as they remember. Hopefully they are not forever entangled/changed by what they encountered in a harmful way.
  • T Clark

    We have a short fiction contest here once or twice a year. What you have written is at least as good as many of those submitted for the contest. You should hang around and turn it in as your entry.
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