• BitconnectCarlos

    You misunderstand me.

    I am not concerned with the miracles. I am not concerned the resurrection. I am not concerned with the "science" of the New Testament.

    Here I am concerned only with things that Jesus purportedly taught. And there are certain common themes expounded on throughout the gospels e.g. faithfulness, simplicity, forgiveness, love. The OP is right that Jesus never really praises intellect. Plenty of wisdom literature exists at this time that does praise wisdom. Just an interesting feature of Jesus's worldview.
  • tim wood
    By the heavens, you made me forget we're brothers, making me think you're New Hampshire! Certainly from the OP we can see he is angered, "I personally resent it bitterly."

    I'll only add that if as a presumably thinking, presumably educated adult you have never been angered by something you heard in church, then either the drugs are working or you're not paying attention or not listening.
  • Outlander
    The OP is right that Jesus never really praises intellect.BitconnectCarlos

    To be fair, I wouldn't exactly call it a word-for-word account of every single interaction. Not a nauseatingly thorough documentary or anything.

    I can think of a few scenarios off the top of my head. Better yet just go to biblehub and search (with quotations) "wise man" or the word "fool" and I'm sure you'll have an abundance of quotes that would suggest the opposite. That is to say, it certainly speaks of the dangers of stupidity (or qualities related to such: rashness, poor judgement, impulsivity, poor planning, etc.), thus praising intellect by proxy. No?
  • T Clark
    I'll only add that if as a presumably thinking, presumably educated adult you have never been angered by something you heard in church, then either the drugs are working or you're not paying attention or not listening.tim wood

    I don’t go to church and I haven’t for many years, but I don’t remember ever being angered by something I heard there.
  • BitconnectCarlos
    I can think of a few scenarios off the top of my head. Better yet just go to biblehub and search (with quotations) "wise man" or the word "fool" and I'm sure you'll have an abundance of quotes that would suggest the opposite.Outlander

    You can cite from Proverbs all you want but that was written many centuries before Jesus was born. As I said, there is a vast wisdom literature that exists before, during and after the time of Jesus.

    To be fair, I wouldn't exactly call it a word-for-word account of every single interaction. Not a nauseatingly thorough documentary or anything.Outlander

    Sure we don't have everything he said. Yet Jesus exalts the child, faithfulness, simplicity, and love; one must become like a child to enter the kingdom of heaven. It would also seem to cut against the grain of his message if he were to exalt the intellect.
  • jorndoe
    Well, there may not be a cure for homo sapiens, for the likes of Geoengineering Watch (they have flyers in multiple languages too). :)


    Smug, arrogant crap. Makes me want to vote for Trump just to piss you off.T Clark

    Hey don't be like that. Makes me want to piss you off as well. ;) Anyway, what about the truth of the matter? Isn't that more important than pissing each other off?
  • Art48
    One point of the OP is that Christianity has a dark side. Without it, I don't think Sarah Palin would have had herself blessed "against all forms of witchcraft." Without it, parents would not refuse medical treatment for their child, use prayer and casting out demons, and have the child die. Without Christianity, much of the symptoms listed in the OP would not exist. I'd like to see that point addressed more.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    Yes Christianity has a dark side. All religion has a dark side. As does secularism. Every worldview has potential pitfalls. Christianity gets a lot of hate because it's popular in the West and it's an easy target, but there are more insidious ideologies out there that can taken hold of a mind.
  • jgill
    And it is these ignorant people, the most uneducated, the most unimaginative, the most unthinking among us, who would make themselves the guides and leaders of us all; who would force their feeble and childish beliefs on us; who would invade our schools and libraries and homes. I personally resent it bitterly.Art48

    When I see a diatribe like this I speculate why its author is so vehement. Why does your website on your bio page list www.adamford.com, a site Google warns against as a scam, or, when going to adamford.com, is a car dealership device?

    It's true that backwoods churches overreach at times, but I grew up in the Southern Baptist tradition, going to large, big city churches in which the sermons were at times quite sophisticated. The congregations were largely professionals who would have scoffed at the examples you cite. In the academic environment in which I worked a number of colleagues were Christians and attended church.

    Obviously, you have an emotional involvement in this issue. But I don't see it as a modern philosophical topic. But that's just me. Others here may differ.
  • T Clark

    A good response. Even-tempered and respectful.
  • Art48
    When I see a diatribe like this I speculate why its author is so vehement. Why does your website on your bio page list www.adamford.com, a site Google warns against as a scam, or, when going to adamford.com, is a car dealership device?jgill
    It works fine for me. Does anyone else on this thread see a problem? If so, I'd like to know.

    Obviously, you have an emotional involvement in this issue. But I don't see it as a modern philosophical topic. But that's just me. Others here may differ.jgill
    My emotional involvement is because the Bible tells enormous lies about God.
    The validity of Christianity was once a philosophical topic. Are you saying it's been excluded from modern philosophy?
  • BitconnectCarlos
    My emotional involvement is because the Bible tells enormous lies about God.Art48

    In what ways is the Bible wrong about God's nature and how do you know this? Has God communicated revelation to you?
  • jgill
    It works fine for meArt48

    When it searches for Adamford.com it goes to your site, but on and off for adamford.com - as you have listed it - it goes to car dealerships. And Google stopped me twice when I wrote www.adamford.com . Then not. Peculiar. Nice site you have though.

    My emotional involvement is because the Bible tells enormous lies about GodArt48

    How can you be so certain?

    The validity of Christianity was once a philosophical topic. Are you saying it's been excluded from modern philosophy?Art48

    True. Long ago. It should be excluded. My opinion.
  • Art48
    When it searches for Adamford.com it goes to your site, but on and off for adamford.com - as you have listed it - it goes to car dealerships. And Google stopped me twice when I wrote www.adamford.com . Then not. Peculiar. Nice site you have though.jgill
    Thanks! I've verified the problem with www.adamford.com and will look into it. I just moved adamford.com to a new hosting service a few days ago.

    How can you be so certain?jgill
    I'm not "so certain." That's what I believe based on evidence, but I could be wrong. Can you say the same?

    P.S. I came back to change "excluded from modern philosophy" to "modern philosophy has lost interest".
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