• NOS4A2
    ABC fact checks the Kamala campaigns lies about Trump’s most recent town hall.

  • NOS4A2

    Sexist too. What about black women?

    She doesn’t need to buy their votes.
  • Baden

    "Protect cryptocurrency investments so that Black men who make them know their money is safe."

    What does that actually mean? And how is that "creating opportunity" for Black men? If anything it sounds racist against Black men. Why is protecting cryptocurrency investments protecting Black men more unless you're saying they're more likely to fall for scams or whatnot?
  • Michael
    What on earth does that mean? And how is that creating opportunity for Black men? And if anything it sounds racist against Black men. Why is protecting cryptocurrency investments protecting Black men more unless you're saying they're more likely to fall for scams or whatnot?Baden

    It's just another soundbite. The slightly more in-depth account is:

    More than 20% of Black Americans own or have owned cryptocurrency assets. Vice President Harris appreciates the ways in which new technologies can broaden access to banking and financial services. She will make sure owners of and investors in digital assets benefit from a regulatory framework so that Black men and others who participate in this market are protected.

    So it's more like "I'll make cryptocurrency safer, black men use cryptocurrency, therefore I'll be helping black men."
  • NOS4A2

    To be fair it is typical American political pandering. Kamala headquarters noticed they are failing with that demographic, historically so, so their propaganda reflects it. Trump does it with women, the working class, etc.
  • Baden

    More than 20% of Black Americans own or have owned cryptocurrency assets. Vice President Harris appreciates the ways in which new technologies can broaden access to banking and financial services. She will make sure owners of and investors in digital assets benefit from a regulatory framework so that Black men and others who participate in this market are protected.

    Basically saying nothing again. "Cryptocurrency is good. But it might also be bad. We'll make it better in the most non-specific way possible. Now be on your way, pleb."

    Yeah, agree.
  • Paine

    Excellent attempt at reframing the odd into the normative. Your job is secure until it does not matter.
  • NOS4A2

    Your normative is teleprompters, celebrities, and slick marketing. Let’s hope it goes the way of the dodo bird.
  • Wayfarer
    Trump Escalates Threats to Political Opponents He Deems the ‘Enemy’

    In a Fox News interview on Sunday, Mr. Trump framed Democrats as a pernicious “enemy from within” that would cause chaos on Election Day that he speculated the National Guard might need to handle.

    A day later, he closed his remarks to a crowd at what was billed as a town hall in Pennsylvania with a stark message about his political opponents.

    “They are so bad and frankly, they’re evil,” Mr. Trump said. “They’re evil. What they’ve done, they’ve weaponized, they’ve weaponized our elections. They’ve done things that nobody thought was even possible.”

    Of course, in all of this, he is describing his own actions, but projected on to The Other, blatantly obvious to anyone not inside the Bubble.

    “There is not a case in American history where a presidential candidate has run for office on a promise that they would exact retribution against anyone they perceive as not supporting them in the campaign,” said Ian Bassin, a former associate White House counsel under Barack Obama who leads the advocacy group Protect Democracy. “It’s so fundamentally, outrageously beyond the pale of how this country has worked that it’s hard to articulate how insane it is.”

    ...“He’s talking about, he considers anyone who doesn’t support him or will not bend to his will an enemy of our country,” [Harris] told several thousand supporters at a rally in Erie, Pa. “He is saying that he would use the military to go after them.”
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    They’ve done things that nobody thought was even possible.”

    I'd say that's quite the feat. The envy is showing.
  • Wayfarer
    I generally resist posting partisan media here but this one I couldn't pass up.

    Responding to a question from an undecided voter, Trump called January 6th a 'day of love'.
  • flannel jesus
    Have you guys all seen this?


    Trump judge releases 1,889 pages of additional election interference evidence against the former president

    It includes various plans for Pence to help them change the election results.

    It also includes evidence that Trump called AZ officials and asked them explicitly to decertify the electoral college vote

    Trump and his team are truly despicable. It's not an exaggeration to say they're a threat to democracy.
  • Benkei
    The fact he's not in jail yet is proof of the corruption inherent in the US system.
  • flannel jesus
    proof that the swamp does in fact need draining - of him and the people who enable him.
  • Christoffer
    The fact he's not in jail yet is proof of the corruption inherent in the US system.Benkei

    Corruption can be fought by enough engagement and pushback by the people. But it seems the people don't care enough either about the corruption or Trump's actions.

    Where's the push back? Where's the demands? The outrage? The damn revolution?

    Maybe the nation need to update the constitution to incorporate all the improvements into democracy and government that has occurred since the last 240 years in favor of protecting democracy and the competence of the government?

    There are ways to do this... but the people... don't... care.

    I will never criticize the people in power more than the people letting themselves be governed by such people. It's the people's responsibility to take care of a democracy for the people. Just relaxing and being lazy towards caring for it will roll out the carpet for bad actors to corrupt it over time.

    And there will always be bad actors, outliers that are absolutely power hungry and unfit to be in power. So it is the responsibility of the people to organize and make sure those outliers never seize power and to do it in time before it's too late, as well as install regulations and laws that prevent the abuse of power by a small entity.

    If there's any fundamental part of civilization that protect the people from abusers of power, it is the people themselves caring for that power to be handled with care.

    If someone has the ability to seize such power as to absolutely put society under their boot, there had to be a long series of events that placed them in that situation. Events populated with unthinking, uninterested and complacent people rolling out the carpet for them until it's too late.

    There should be at least 100 million people marching for a change of the system, against corruption and to change the system to a better one. But there isn't and won't be, until someone in power, abuses that power too far.
  • NOS4A2
    The most damning thing from the trove of evidence corruptly released just weeks before the election was that Trump sipped Diet Coke. What a Hitler.

    Donald Trump Allegedly Craved His Favorite Soda Amid Capitol Riot
  • unenlightened
    I heard; some people are saying; a lot of people actually think; we'll be holding a press conference about it in a few weeks and I'll be making some really important announcements about that, I think you'll be very interested.

    Make America Sane Again. We can do that nowadays, you know - we have these really smart nano-bots we can inject you all with and control what you think through G5. You'll all become so smart you'll think just like me. And you won't have to vote because the government will already know what you think.

    I just saw this sign on a video:

    "Orange is for pumpkins, not presidents."

    Thus saith the Lord.
  • unenlightened
    The most damning thing from the trove of evidence corruptly released just weeks before the election was that Trump sipped Diet Coke. What a Hitler.NOS4A2

    Nero fiddled.
  • Wayfarer

    The most damning thing from the trove of evidenceNOS4A2

    Not 'the most damning thing'. It is the most trivial and non-incriminating thing. The only kind of thing you will allow yourself to see.

    Meanwhile 'On Thursday Trump turned more than a few heads by effectively blaming Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for Russia’s invasion. Trump said Zelensky “should never have let that war start.”' More here.
  • flannel jesus
    What's corrupt about it? Lmao. The american people don't have a right to know about the anti-democratic bullshit the presidential nominee got up to?
  • Tzeentch
    The worst thing about Trump is how he functions as a lightning rid to distract from all the vile shit that is being perpetrated by the US government as we speak.
  • NOS4A2

    What's corrupt about it? Lmao. The american people don't have a right to know about the anti-democratic bullshit the presidential nominee got up to?

    One candidate’s administration is going after their political opponent with the DOJ and abusing the law in order to influence an election. That’s anti-democratic.
  • flannel jesus
    One candidate’s administration is going afterNOS4A2

    As far as I can tell, the candidate's administration has very little to do with what's going on. And if someone did something illegal, the fact that they're running for election shouldn't stop them from getting a court case about it, should it? "in order to influence an election" this makes it sound like you think that because he's a candidate in an election, they should just let him get away with it. He did evil shit, I'm glad to see him being taken to court over it. I'd be gladder to see him in prison but that can wait.

    I know for a fact that if biden did half the shit trump did, eg calling governors telling them to find votes, organizing fake elector schemes, jan 6 etc, you would be a lot less tolerant of it.
  • NOS4A2

    He contested an election, wanted the governor to find illegal votes, led a protest. If Biden or Kamala did that he’d be a hero.
  • flannel jesus
    you'd think Kamala is a hero of she loses the next election and calls governors asking them to find votes, decertify state elections, etc? Wow.
  • NOS4A2

    I doubt that if she asked a governor to find illegal voting and contested an election you would call it evil.
  • flannel jesus
    I'm not asking what I would call it. I'm asking what you would think of it.

    Now, you keep saying "find illegal voting" and that's not my understanding of what he said, nor is it the understanding of just about anybody else.

    The words he said were, "I just want to find 11,780 votes". I mean, if you're saying trump asked him to find votes for trump, illegally, then yeah -but I don't think that's what you're saying. Trump then also tried to intimidated him into doing trumps bidding during the call, saying that if he didn't find those votes it would be criminal.

    So if Kamala Harris calls up governors saying those words, "find me <the exact number of votes I need to win>" like trump did, you'd think that's totally above board, correct? I wouldn't. I have consistent principles here, I wouldn't think it was above board. Would you?

    And imagine they succeed where trump failed. Imagine they lose in 2024, and they somehow manage to succeed in some of the strategies trump employed. They call governors asking them to find votes, they get Congress to not certify the electoral college, and in so doing Kamala takes the presidency. In this bizarro world, you'd feel like nothing untoward happened, correct?
  • NOS4A2

    That's because you haven't read the transcript of that call. That's the going rate, and you're in good company, but it's wrong. It's been misconstrued that he is pressuring the governor to magically come up with votes, not that he wants to find the illegal votes he's been speaking about the whole call.
  • Benkei
    That one sentence goes to the heart of why the Orangutan called in the first place.

    There was no evidence of widespread voter fraud or illegal voting in the 2020 election. Judges dismissed claims of illegal voting and improper vote counting across multiple states. As president, "dumb shit's" direct intervention with a state election official goes against the separation of powers and simply is abuse of executive authority to try to influence election outcomes. Elections are primarily managed by states, and federal officials, including the president, should respect state sovereignty in conducting and certifying elections. And this is really obvious; simply the conflict of interest here should've barred Dumpf from calling in the first place.

    Pursuing unsubstantiated claims of illegal votes after courts had rejected such allegations undermines public confidence in the electoral process as do his claims of fraud and incompetence. Given such context, Trump was indeed pressuring Raffensberger to "find" votes or overturn results, especially after courts had ruled on the matter and that he shouldn't be calling him in the first place. The fact he personally did, was because he expected Raffensberger to agree to his bullshit despite the court rulings.
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