And that is not a good ontology. — Metaphysician Undercover
For Peirce, abstraction is dynamic, relational, and grounded in semiosis (the process of sign-making and interpretation). — Mapping the Medium
Peirce's approach stands out by addressing the limitations of nominalism (over-reliance on discrete categorization) and Platonism (over-reification of abstractions). — Mapping the Medium
...Asserting compatibility between incompatible ontologies — Metaphysician Undercover
Taking a nominalist structure of "discrete categorization", and imposing an assumption of continuity, without justification, just to make it more "Platonic", is not a solution to the discrete/continuous dilemma. — Metaphysician Undercover
numbers don't exist. — Art48
Personal opinions are both bad and good, though no? Bias is opinion based, some outspoken far from the silence of their own wonderings within the mind...when bias or opinion based beliefs, reasons, or claims is used as an excuse to not continue towards finding that real good...lack of acceptance or awareness or willingness to see self and others. See the self in others. When our personal opinions are preventing US (together) from reaching higher levels or desires (which are, personal) then the real problem is in the excuse to NOT act towards higher levels because for some it is not easy tolerating others opinions and these tolerances are at different limits. They are valid, even when reasonable doubt arises. We doubt our selves and others, but how do you know I never doubted from the start? Does that chance exist to prove some one or our selves wrong? Right? Transcending personal opinion requires lessons to be learned, a settlement is justified in itself at that decision making moment. Maybe they never knew what they truly desired and are scared that they already foresee the truth, and it's not good.When thebelief 'satisfies our desire', as the means to the end, then we are not inspired to doubt the means because the result, end, is insured as that satisfaction. So long as the desire itself, the end, is never doubted, and the means are observed to be successful, then doubt is only relative to the efficiency of the means. Now means are empirically justifiable, as we demonstrate that action A produces the desired end Z. Then various ways of producing Z can be compared, A, B, C, analyzed, and the resulting "settlement", which method best produces Z, can obtain to a level higher than mere opinion.
However, such justified settlementsrely on taking the end for granted.**** It is only relative to the assumption that the end Z is what is truly desired, that the means are in this way justified. Doubting the end itself puts us squarely into the field of opinion, unless the end itself can be justified as the means to a further end. In traditional moral philosophy there is a distinction made between the real good, and the apparent good. The apparent good is nothing but personal opinion, but the real good is assumed to somehow transcend personal opinion. — Metaphysician Undercover
"Can you have or hold morals that may not ever be seen in action? perhaps morals are justification itself.
what if, intentions are a/the gateway to potentially lead to one participating in questionable behavior and ,by justifying ONLY planned actions as they play the role as "the excuse to act". despite the outcome that was bound to matter what, for better or worse.
***an excuse to act = tricking the brain into planning a justified NOT BELIEF, but idea with reason TO MAKE BELIEF through others perceptions without the true action explained aloud, despite the facts of matter being known or knowable, only interally between self and mind, know the true reason/s for hiding a "truth" thanks to privacy within us and our wants needs goals desires that we allow permit tolerate accept and all its opposites and vice versas equally considered and accounted for....the space for thought is and is found when and in using the brain silently within the minds limits, which the self can control as boundaries contrstraints etc for what it really is thats happening..e.g. daydreaming, multitasking, texting and in a meeting on zoom, other examples exist
*reason=goal or desire? i think they exists with and without a belief system but im looking at linking goals or desires to ones purpose in life, the one that exists despite knowing it. Though knowable. Morals are justification itself.
you can have intention without a goal, i say yes..but can you without a desire? i say no..for now at least. Your intent though doesnt need its own purpose, because it doesnt mean you act on it according to how you imagined you would act...Once the act occurs, your purpose could be repurposed successfully... but how much it was planned, thought of or out vs imagined or believed .[ex. my intention was/is to have fun tonight-8.20.23 522pm]] AND without parameters or constraints OR GOALS, intentions can change in decision making moments through that experience of choosing to act/acting on those intentions and how what you imagined vs what reality played out was very different
Intentions show that the individual has thought.
Can we break this down more? I am confused at the way you put into text the inverse statement and how it was incorrectly asserted that the motivating "object" cannot be outside the sphere of knowledge. Are you saying the justification ITSELF is justified knowledge Understood by GOD, how does one understand such things? Seeing? Learning? Observing? Living? Watching? I think it's more of a KNOWING. A knowing and a faith that goes beyond questioning, doubts, and opinions. Beyond good or bad, into.....the light!" And it is clear that nothing out of the sphere of our knowledge can be our object, for nothing which does not affect the mind can be the motive for mental effort."
This statement inverts the real, or true, relation between the being with knowledge and the object of that being, which is its goal or end. Knowledge, as justified opinion, explained above, is always justified as the means to the end. But the end which justifies the knowledge is simply assumed as an opinion, and this places "our object", which is the goal that motivates us, as outside of knowledge itself, as unjustified opinion. This is what Plato demonstrated in "The Republic", "the good" must be apprehended as outside of knowledge,"
PAUSE [[[[ Can "our object" be like an excuse to act and justification in itself might be settled upon when verified for credibility. Our "goals" might be not realistic or never close to being reached, but they can be justifications for some (wrongly) to act on this mirage they have yet to see themselves in...what makes a bad ending from a "good" movie? Potential? Expectations? When something starts good and ends badly, where is that line? From G to B? When is the moment? Is the point of no return foreseeable? It ought to be. I know it is. But trust in the mystery of the Universe and a little faith go a long way. To be understood by another as a lesson learned in time, perhaps? ]]]]
(quote continues), So the statement incorrectly asserts that the motivating object, the end, or the good, cannot be outside "the sphere of our knowledge". A proper analysis indicates that only the means to the end can be justified as knowledge, while the object itself, the end or good, must be apprehended as outside the sphere of knowledge. Therefore moral traditionalists characterize the apparent good as opinion, and the real good as understood only by God. This places "our object" as firmly outside "the sphere of our knowledge". — Metaphysician Undercover
Or, maybe "force/s" in that context means 'cause of motion' ? — Kizzy
What could be the cause of motion other than the passing of time? Time passing is what causes things to move. Is "force" the passing of time? — Metaphysician Undercover
- 11 days ago, pg 3 of 3, "What Does Consciousness Do?"In the model I described, the present does not become the future, nor does the present become the past. The present is outside of time, and time consists of future and past. The future becomes the past, as time passes, and the present is a perspective from which this is observed. Also final cause acts from this perspective, as a cause from outside of time, which intervenes in the events which are occurring as time passes. — Metaphysician Undercover
Good stuff, the quotes below are of my particular interest and I quoted them as I read the thread...Sitting now looking at them, I am fascinated in this thinking. The thinking thoughts are now typed words that are giving me ideas [right now even holding me accountable to them].... — Kizzy
*reason=goal or desire? i think they exists with and without a belief system but im looking at linking goals or desires to ones purpose in life, the one that exists despite knowing it. Though knowable. Morals are justification itself.
you can have intention without a goal, i say yes..but can you without a desire? i say no..for now at least. Your intent though doesnt need its own purpose, because it doesnt mean you act on it according to how you imagined you would act...Once the act occurs, your purpose could be repurposed successfully... but how much it was planned, thought of or out vs imagined or believed .[ex. my intention was/is to have fun tonight-8.20.23 522pm]] AND without parameters or constraints OR GOALS, intentions can change in decision making moments through that experience of choosing to act/acting on those intentions and how what you imagined vs what reality played out was very different
Intentions show that the individual has thought.
Personal opinions are both bad and good, though no? Bias is opinion based, some outspoken far from the silence of their own wonderings within the mind...when bias or opinion based beliefs, reasons, or claims is used as an excuse to not continue towards finding that real good...lack of acceptance or awareness or willingness to see self and others. See the self in others. When our personal opinions are preventing US (together) from reaching higher levels or desires (which are, personal) then the real problem is in the excuse to NOT act towards higher levels because for some it is not easy tolerating others opinions and these tolerances are at different limits. They are valid, even when reasonable doubt arises. We doubt our selves and others, but how do you know I never doubted from the start? Does that chance exist to prove some one or our selves wrong? Right? Transcending personal opinion requires lessons to be learned, a settlement is justified in itself at that decision making moment. Maybe they never knew what they truly desired and are scared that they already foresee the truth, and it's not good. — Kizzy
Can we break this down more? I am confused at the way you put into text the inverse statement and how it was incorrectly asserted that the motivating "object" cannot be outside the sphere of knowledge. Are you saying the justification ITSELF is justified knowledge Understood by GOD, how does one understand such things? Seeing? Learning? Observing? Living? Watching? I think it's more of a KNOWING. A knowing and a faith that goes beyond questioning, doubts, and opinions. Beyond good or bad, into.....the light! — Kizzy
I have been following the back and forth with MU, it seems relevant to mention that from reading the other thread discussion currently being had encouraged me to respond HERE now. — Kizzy
I think, generally speaking, we use "intention" to refer to actions motivated by a conscious goal, and we use "desire" to refer to feelings which motivate actions. This is the most common form of "intention" as used in philosophy of mind, and social sciences, which frame intention as a property of human consciousness and reason. In this case, strict adherence to definitions implies that an intentional act would require thought out reasons, and a conscious goal. This puts "the object" of intention, the goal, into the domain of knowledge, what the person knows (though it is essentially subjective knowledge). On the other hand, since a desire derives directly through emotions and feelings, it can incline, and produce an activity, where "the object" of the act, the goal is completely unknown This is the case when we are "overcome by passion". The act is based in emotion, hate, anger, lust, etc., and the object, or goal of that act may not be adequately known. In other words, the act is produced without consciously considering what the end will be. — Metaphysician Undercover
Yes I am with this.So in relation to traditional understanding of intention, this makes "intention" completely unintelligible because we need to understand an intentional act as an act without an object or goal, rather than as an act with a goal, and the goal is what makes the act intelligible. — Metaphysician Undercover
This is why we need to look at the end from the other direction, not as the known object which inspires the act, and justifies the act, but as the unknown object which the act will produce. This forces the need to judge the object, end, goal, itself, rather than simply judging the means in relation to the end. The end, being opinion, is simply manipulated to support enjoyment of the activity, the means. Essentially, this is habit. The activity is what is enjoyed, and whatever is produce from that activity is rationalized as the desired end. — Metaphysician Undercover
I'm going to stop here, and keep the discussion of time to the other thread, which is more suited to that with the question of what does consciousness do, as a temporal question of activity. This thread asks about ideas, which are more like static things, involving objects, goals, while the other thread is about activities. Of course there is a lot of overlap, but I think it's best to make some sort of division. Maybe you can copy some of the questions from here over to there, if you want me to address them. — Metaphysician Undercover
You said, "The point is that justification for the act is produced from an understanding of the relationship between the act and the end (as means to end)." I agree, but is that understanding from the individual or another? That understanding is of interest because it can be two sided....what does it take to do that? To understand? For self to? For all to? — Kizzy
We dont believe ourselves, that is uncertainty. We need to accept the unknown with trust, I said that before. BUT at other times, it happens and is knowing you are right where you are supposed to be in that moment of time, conscious reassuring to self. A feeling becomes a knowing of surety when it is felt within us...we KNOW and no one can know THIS feeling like we do...some will swear they KNOW what you mean. How can they? Do you have to believe them? When would you? When it's nothing but love. Those intentions that are masked while the truth of the matter is that the desire is going to (drive or lead?) us towards the goal no matter what...only one outcome exists for every moment that passes...too quick to ever fully get a hold, however a quick glimpse of that is all we really only NEED. It's in the life lead of a conscious being in harmony with their nature...and in nature? — Kizzy
What if intention can be justified as the morality in the acts itself, could the desire and therefore the goal be knowable or NOW known? — Kizzy
So, where I think, the intentions can be changed in any moment, it is the desire that is the realest thing towards knowing any truth of any reasonable matter because it is that which is the drive behind the light from the darkness and back into the dark... — Kizzy
But what if consciousness updates our being with a goal through the intentions that change in decision making moments, because of whatever reason? What if being conscious of the goal, or what we think is the goal changes the DIRECTION not the desire but how we move in life to get through the next day? I think its important before we or anyone implies their judgement that it's necessary to verify the credibility of the people judging and the objective nature of what comes from a judgement. A group or person may be wrong in their judgement without a standard way of verification that the judgement is necessary in the first place.. — Kizzy
I will say maybe you did not follow up on my answer to your original question because of my formatting and style, that is on me then. It is properly known that my writing style can be not easy to follow, but only for those willing. Some are not willing to even read at all. Good. You should have to try and understand not just follow lines of words. They are not for everyone. Good. — Kizzy
But why do you say "the truth of the matter is that the desire is going to (drive or lead?) us towards the goal no matter what"? — Metaphysician Undercover
Justification happens when it’s proper or not, those making excuses to act like reasons to make belief and those who will justify their actions and beliefs and reason because of their blind faith. It is the passion behind the justification, the intentions are brought from the shadows and in plain sight, in mind now as well...out of sight out of mind...the demonstration might be an act, it might be thought out before the actions took place in order to fulfill a specific outcome.I believe that proper "justification" requires demonstration to another. However, we do use "justification" to refer when a person justifies something to oneself. There is definitely ambiguity here. We could call one a "subjective" justification and the other "objective" justification, but this produces ambiguity in our use of "objective", which could be a problem in epistemology We would now have a proper sense of "objective", meaning of the object, and a sense of "objective" which refers to properties of subjects, like "objective knowledge". The latter is better known as "intersubective", or something like that, and needs to be distinguished from the proper sense of "objective", referring to a proper object. — Metaphysician Undercover
Very well then...Therefore the true location of "the object" remains obscured. — Metaphysician Undercover
Or rob the conscious mind of the CHANCE for choice? The mind works of that capacity... The mind is not choosing, the mind is in the thought and present at the right place at the right time as the being has to make the choice, real. Making the choice become real, the choice in mind is not for the mind to make, but for the choice in mind to make sense for the being to act on that choice, that choice was decided before the body can move fast enough...before awareness of the self as a whole but the will is caught eventually, aligning with the way the body and mind in harmony makes one feel in uncertain times, in acceptance...the soul being touched, comforted. Hmmmmm...I NOW wonder on, how are emotions different or affected when they come from an internal source (via memory?) as a mental experienced vs emotions from external stimuli (reflex, experiences, impressions?)But then the conscious mind would have no option but to follow the desire, recognizing that the desire is directed toward the true object, and this would rob the mind's capacity for choice — Metaphysician Undercover
For the mind to enact such a dismissal, would be a false, not real way of dealing with the influence of the desire. — Metaphysician Undercover
What could be the cause of motion other than the passing of time? Time passing is what causes things to move. Is "force" the passing of time? — Metaphysician Undercover
Things moving is what causes time to pass. — Arne
Time is the measure of change/motion. — Arne
the Pythagorean theorem exists in the sense that it belongs in Euclidean geometry. Surely it did not come into existence before someone in the Pythagorean school invented it. But it has been in conceptual existence, i.e. in geometry, ever since. Not that geometry has an autonomous existence, i.e. that it subsists independently of being thought about. It is just that we make the indispensable pretence that constructs exist provided they belong in some body of ideas—which is a roundabout fashion of saying that constructs exist as long as there are rational beings capable of thinking them up. Surely this mode of existence is neither ideal existence (or existence in the Realm of Ideas) nor real or physical existence. To invert Plato’s cave metaphor we may say that ideas are but the shadows of things—and shadows, as is well known, have no autonomous existence. — Mario Bunge
Things moving is what causes time to pass. — Arne
I don't think so. I think time passing is what causes things to move.
I'm talking about time as the thing which is measured. A clock for example, consists of change/motion, and it is used to measure the passing of time. — Metaphysician Undercover
The text you quote from Mario Bunge seems to ignore what I said in the last part of my comment. — JuanZu
That is, that the Pythagorean theorem remains true even if humanity disappears. It is a truth existing in an autonomous sense, which does not depend on the cognitive capacity of the human being. — JuanZu
Think of a triangle formed in nature, or a triangular shaped object, it is a right triangle (you can find them by Google) . Is not the Pythagorean theorem realized in nature and in this natural triangle? — JuanZu
False, unless you can provide an argument that supports that statement as the conclusion of said argument. — Arcane Sandwich
Not only that of the inventor but of many others. Which means that its existence as truth cannot be reduced to the cognitive processes of individuales — JuanZu
I'm sorry but what you have said is formal juggling. — JuanZu
And in no way have you validly refuted or counterargued. — JuanZu
The argument is very simple : — JuanZu
The Pythagorean theorem does not exist individually, it exists in a way that transcends the individuality of individuals (proven by multiple people understanding the Pythagorean theorem at once). — JuanZu
Do you know the critique of psychologism made by Frege and Husserl? — JuanZu
Provide a supporting argument for that premise, or I'll simply deny it. — Arcane Sandwich
Yes, I do. And I have written a paper comparing their critiques of psychologism, using Kusch's work as secondary literature. — Arcane Sandwich
I have already done so. — JuanZu
I think you're reading it wrong — JuanZu
I hope it's not on purpose. — JuanZu
I said that such a premise is proven by the fact that several people know and understand the meaning of the Pythagorean theorem. — JuanZu
Well, correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that Mario Bunge's position fits into the psychologism that both Frege and Husserl criticized (and I would say refuted). — JuanZu
I'm talking about time as the thing which is measured. A clock for example, consists of change/motion, and it is used to measure the passing of time. — Metaphysician Undercover
No, you haven't. This is what arguments look like in philosophy. You haven't done that — Arcane Sandwich
False — Arcane Sandwich
I would say that this is what an argument looks like in the philosophy you like. — JuanZu
But obviously philosophy has a very broad style of expression. — JuanZu
At least we can agree that you have to give arguments to prove a point which is what I have tried to do. — JuanZu
I'm sorry but I can't take that as an argument. — JuanZu
Saying it's false and nothing else doesn't make you right, — JuanZu
nor does it mean I'm wrong. — JuanZu
I invite you to give arguments against what I have said and argued. — JuanZu
And I would say that what you just said there is a fallacy. — Arcane Sandwich
I already gave an argument. It's Bunge's argument — Arcane Sandwich
If it's false, then you're wrong. — Arcane Sandwich
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