About Voltaire's Girlfriend

About I see myself as an existential nihilist. Life has no meaning in itself, unless we give meaning to it. I also think we should be able to laugh at everything. For myself, I do so because I have been through a great deal of bad shit during my life. I'd rather laugh at the things that could've brought me down and can bring me down in the future, than fear it. Humour is my best medicine, it has never let me down. I don't care if people get offended by my humour, because I know that what I'm actually doing, is laughing at my own hardships and failures in the first place. However, there is a time and place for making jokes. I think empathy and sympathy is still a great virtue. Let's just not give troubles the higher ground by letting it take our laughter away.

I define myself as an musician, writer and artist. Can't say that I'm big, but I know I'm good at what I do. Especially music, the only thing I can get a bit arrogant about. I started playing the piano at 5 years old (yes, I'm Asian. Well, half-Asian) and can't help myself from bragging about it from time to time. In return, I have no problem with other people bragging about their talents. Also, Mozart's my favourite. The man makes me feel things like no other musician can.
As a writer, I write about anything that inspires me. I like writing essays on any topic that catches my interest, papers founded by more serious research, poetry for emotional relief, I keep many diaries and sometimes write fiction. Mostly horror, since that's my favourite genre both in movies and books. Oh, and in Manga, have you ever tried horror Manga? It's delicious, try Junji Ito's horror, my favourite. I haven't really written anything big yet and most of what I write, I write for myself (for now, I want to be sure that I'm doing a good job before publishing anything). I do keep a blog and if you're interested, always welcome to check it out.
As an artist, I love drawing and painting. But mainly draw a lot, coloured pencils and soft pastels being my favourite material. This too is mostly to relieve myself emotionally. My style varies a lot. Portraits are also a favourite of mine, mostly of people I admire.

What's more to tell... I'm a big fan of studying about the Universe, what's outside of our Solar System intrigues and moves me greatly. It only shows how little and insignificant we are, which is actually really beautiful if you ask me.
I can get lost in many different topics, some that may even seem utterly boring to most people. Like bridges. I once spent a whole evening studying bridges. Why? I don't know. I just wanted to know what kind of bridges there are and hey, now I know. Actually, I'm just a big fat nerd (not literally, my body-size is an healthy average) who loves learning. It's what drives me. I'd rather kill myself, if I were forced to live a life without learning. Destroy one of my books and I will attack you. That's how passionate I am about learning.
I have no diploma's, except one for First Aid (come on, it's something, I might save a life one day). I do not consider myself uneducated however. I read a lot and consider myself an autodidact. Not having or even having a diploma says absolutely nothing about one's intelligence. I know people who cheated their way into getting one, so, one may question if they actually deserve the piece of paper. One day, I will pick up my studies as an educator again, having to pause it for a while as life was hitting me in the guts too much making me mentally exhausted. Then I will have a piece of paper too to "prove" people that I'm not an idiot and actually can accomplish something. Because only pieces of papers that say: "This person completed this! Yay!" prove that one is capable of doing something. (Ok, some things do require a diploma though, I'm not that ignorant. I prefer a doctor who has a diploma over one who hasn't as much as anyone else.)
What else, what else... I can be very silly at times, this being one of them. I do not take myself serious at all, though I still think people should be nice to each other and try to earn each other's respect.
I have said a lot already, if not maybe to much and you may not even have come this far reading my bio. If you did, however, thanks. That's nice of you.

Also, I'm Voltaire's biggest fangirl. There are things I do agree with and things I don't agree with. It's just his smartassery that gets me, you know. Also, I have a thing with 18th century fashion (no, I don't dress up like that. I'm a nerd, not a geek) and think the man rocks his wig.

Ok, now, I'm done. :)
Location Belgium
Website rainkatlitmanwrites.wordpress.com
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Favourite philosophers Voltaire, John Locke, Jean-Paul Sartre, Friedrich Nietzsche, Socrates, and many more
Favourite quotations "Aime la vérité, mais pardonne l'erreur." - Voltaire
"Let us read and let us dance, these two amusements will never do any harm to the world." - Voltaire
"Common sense is not so common." - Voltaire
"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire
(Honestly, I could go on with the Voltaire quotes but I'll stop here)
"God is dead, and we have killed him." - Nietzsche
"Man is condemned to be free; once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does. It is up to you to give meaning." - Sartre

Voltaire's Girlfriend

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