About Closed-openmindedness

About Hello everyone my name is Grant. I am 24 year old Male and I live in a town known as Temecula, in the state of California. I have no experience in philosophy, however after some experiences I have been known to just have a dream state kind of mind and I'm exhausted from feeling others I interact with are not as actively thinking as I need them to be. I feel they might think I'm a bit too open and loose with thoughts which seems "crazy" to most. I desire to be different from others my age such as I am non judgemental, always learning new details each day, and living for others instead of myself. My choice of music is very selfish, I am combining all information of different religions as a humanist and amazed by what our bodies and the universe can do which is communicated as science. I play instruments, have culinary experience, and have years of emergency medical experience. Research of random information is causing stress on my health but i justify it with the fact that some people are unable to. I want to learn from all of you even If I dont understand all the vocabulary and terms. Please share any thoughts or personal experiences with me at
Location Temecula, Ca 20 years too long
Posts 6
Last Active
Site Role Member
Favourite philosophers Plato, Theologians, Taoism, Atomism
Favourite quotations "What we know is a drop of water. What we dont know is an ocean" - Issac Newton

Honestly we dont even know a drop of water. We even claim to know its physical makeup but it doesn't feel correct to me.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."
- Nikola Tesla


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