
  • Why does the question of consciousness seem so obvious but remain "A great mystery"
    wow, the stripping away of all those attributes is certainly an interesting to think about.... is that akin to death? is it death? is it like being a starfish lol ????

    Psychedelics augment consciousness rather than destroy it (unless you die from an overdose) -- so I think perhaps that could be said to expose our false sense of an objective reality, rather than anything against about the problem of awareness or consciousness itself. It is still consciousness just a different plane of consciousness......

    But certainly if we stripped each component away one by one (the 5 senses and the emotions) that is fascinating......

    With all this though, I guess the mystery still eternally lies in the WHY though.
    Even if consciousness emerges from all the components, still WHY ?
    Leading us back to wonder about our origins and the purpose of complex brains and in turn consciousness emerging in form and matter..... the question of why and is there a reason or not !!!!

    Maybe consciousness emerging from the brain...
    Is like steam emerges from water..... fire from the scorching heat on dry wood........ the potential is always there for it to come to be..... so that brings about another thing to ponder... were all these things programmed and designed ????

    So the problem of awareness and existence itself endures ! :razz: