Rights Without Responsibilities
I agree with your second post (or I think it's the second post, your response to Mr. Wood). Experience has taught me much, and I got none of that really, or at least not useful experience I think, from communication on the Internet. The message board, I think, is becoming a real problem now. No not this one (well not principally) but ones where people go generally to share the same ideas. So their knowledge, and I think you've already suggested this, is just repeated again and again, in the group. Things are held to be true that may not be. A lack of experience, and a repetition of shared knowledge, reinforces (perhaps) a false view, one that, also incidentally, may reinforce seclusion from reality--and thus experience. Problems I think are a given in the future, catastrophic and cataclysmic ones are the concern.
As to the faults of the young, well I don't think I was ever much in control of my life really, before a certain age. And people of certain dispositions, of course, follow certain roads, appertaining to their own time. And so like streams converging it seems to be a continual process, and although not strictly analogous, to my view, unstoppable. That's a hundred million streams (supposing we're speaking of the U.S.A.) Need a mighty large dam to brick that up.
:smile: But you did mention the role of parents, though I'm not sure that's any different. Same values (general 'baby boomer' type people, live and let live and what else one might infer), same following a course, same unstoppable flow. It's these darn machines I tell ya!