
  • Creating work for someone is immoral
    "I think that most people find most kinds of effort meaningful and enriching". Big assumption.
  • Creating work for someone is immoral
    Okay fine the system in which work is distributed is inherently problematic because there will always be low paying, mind numbing jobs that no one actually wants to do other than because they need a paycheque. Work is a forced activity that most people choose to partake in so they can fund their life outside of work, that's it. Clearly many people think the trade off is worth it (or have no other choice) but that doesn't make the work itself any less miserable.
  • Creating work for someone is immoral
    Yes it does. Without those crappy jobs to keep the whole thing running there wouldn't be any opportunity for better more satisfying jobs that actually relate to ones interests. Someone always gets shafted. As I said before the fact that one has little choice in the matter is more than enough to make it inherently problematic. I don't want to work, yet I have to, therefore it's problematic.
  • Creating work for someone is immoral
    It's also inherently problematic. There are many soul sucking jobs that must be done to keep society afloat and that means that a large number of people spend the majority of their day 5/7 days of the week doing something they don't want to be doing. It's problematic because there is no choice once you're alive, work or starve. There will always be people who are miserable because of the system itself.
  • Creating work for someone is immoral
    I said it seems that most people are hardwired to feel life is good. You said "the rest of humanity does not think that having to work to survive is inherently problematic." I made an assumption about people in general, you stated as fact that the "rest of humanity" doesn't have a problem with working. I disagree, many people don't like working, that's common knowledge. I think quite a few people feel this way to some extent but you would never know because it's not a topic that often comes up in regular conversation and even if it was, I'm not sure how honest of an answer you would get due to the fear of being judged.
  • Creating work for someone is immoral
    I think it's a little disturbing, especially when you consider that by modern standards quality of life for the vast majority of human history was awful. People will put up with terrible conditions and "enjoy" it because they don't know of anything better.
  • Creating work for someone is immoral
    I think you are 100% correct, but few others will agree with you. It seems as if most people are hardwired to feel life is good or "worth it" regardless of what their living conditions are like.
  • Ever Vigilant Existence
    I joined just to say you're a massive tool, bud. ^^^


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