
  • Evolution and awareness
    Thanks, Sir2u - duly noted!
  • Evolution and awareness

    ‘If our faculties of awareness are wholly the product of unguided evolutionary forces, then they do not provide us with any true awareness of anything (including that). As we are aware of some things, we are not wholly the product of unguided evolutionary forces.’

    I think your original question lacks clarity, which makes it difficult for people to answer. What do you mean by ‘true awareness’? ‘Some things’? Why would you infer that if we were just the product of evolutionary forces, our senses would be unreliable or partial? Etc, etc.
  • Evolution and awareness
    Okay, I haven't read this entire thread - I had no idea it was quite as long as it turned out to be! - but I think it's pretty obvious that 'unguided evolutionary forces' is a contradiction in terms. Evolution is guided by external stimuli, the priority being that we live long enough to reproduce.