
  • What is 'evil', and does it exist objectively? The metaphysics of good and evil.

    That's a great perspective man. Your right about life being unpredictable, that's ultimately why I always use "extremes" to try and find where they or if they meet. Often times I find a interesting connection that leads me to believe opposites attract. I think everything in life must be beautiful if we have gotten this far and witness it? The good the bad and ugly are still a part of our collective conscious I assume in the name of working toward harmony vs hate. Our ancestors did their part, but history seems to be a wakening call for morality toward the voiceless. Maybe good and evil symbolize eternal life and eternal death ? My mind wanders in search for understanding , but I feel As long as my message makes it to my great grandchildren we have done well. So I guess as long as harmony prevails I need you as much as you need me to keep this boat afloat !
  • What is 'evil', and does it exist objectively? The metaphysics of good and evil.
    That's a great perspective man. Your right about life being unpredictable, that's ultimately why I always use "extremes" to try and find where they or if they meet. Often times I find a interesting connection that leads me to believe opposites attract. I think everything in life must be beautiful if we have gotten this far and witness it? The good the bad and ugly are still a part of our collective conscious I assume in the name of working toward harmony vs hate. Our ancestors did their part, but history seems to be a wakening call for morality toward the voiceless. Maybe good and evil symbolize eternal life and eternal death ? My mind wanders in search for understanding , but I feel As long as my message makes it to my great grandchildren we have done well. So I guess as long as harmony prevails I need you as much as you need me to keep this boat afloat !
  • What is 'evil', and does it exist objectively? The metaphysics of good and evil.
    Yo I stumbled on this site and Iike this question a lot. Off bat this would be my view... I think "Evil" is a moral term and meta physical depending on where you look, but at heart its a way to deal with I'll call it "the human sin" problem. You could say "conscious sin" at that. I'm thinking Evil was meant to be matched with justifying a form of violence like revenge or as we call it "justice". That opens a lot of questions but for sake of time I'll keep it on point. So in my head "evil" as moral concept is a psychological strategy to help societal social structure. From childrens books to adult films of any type evil as a concept is there and when its not , suspense greets us as the threat of evil lingers. Many times i think it doesn't live up to it's name for the better.
    There is no way in life to rid evil, even if a government did its best it would fall victim to its own judgement and morality thus becoming the exact thing it is fighting against. Ultimately, if societal structure doesn't teach evil, it must go hand in hand with " free thought" which would lead people to "evil thinking" I would imagine that's the point if no return. Our natural born rights would I guess make evil more relevant but that's it.. We are free (at least here in America) hoorah I'll stay prepared for the worst and hope for the best before losing freedom any day.