I thought I did a pretty good job explaining it, but I will go again from a slightly different angle. Please also feel free to read my radio analogy a few posts back.
The enormity of information is the very reason why we have symbolic representations — TimeLine
Yes, because it cuts down on the information load.
it is our attempt to cognise something that cannot be seen otherwise. — TimeLine
Yes, to understand something at the local level.
It does not 'blind us to the bigger picture' — TimeLine
In order to understand our local layer we make assumptions about the nature of the objects in it. It is a planet would be an assumption. From a cosmological perspective we see a Planet - this is a semiotic term. It sums up a whole bunch of information into one discreet package.
A planetologist may describe it in terms of their semiotics
It is a gas giant 2 billion miles in diameter with an iron core and sulphur-dioxide atmosphere, a rotational period of 2.3 days, a surface pressure of 10 million KPa and a core pressure of 40 billion kPa, a surface temperature of 600Kelvin and a core temperature of 6000 kelvin.
Between the two there has been information loss.
The cosmologist cannot claim to fully understand the cosmos without fully understanding the planets in it. They can only claim to understand their part of it - the local level.
Similarly a planetologist cannot claim to fully understand the planet unless he can explain why the electrons in the magnetosphere undergo bonding when passing through the most solar part of the magnetosphere or why there is a counter current circulation of lithium hydroxide ions in the storm below the equator.
And so we enter into a regress that contains so much information it is impossible to understand in its entirety. A cosmologists understand the cosmos, a planetologist understands the planet, a chemist understands the chemical reactions and so on, but none of them understands everything as they are using semiotic models to explain their systems and the models are not universal like 'c, a, t'.
Science specialises into fields. Specialists in each field are specialists in understanding the semiotics of that field. They seek complete understanding of that field and believe that the system can be understood in terms of the semiotics. They will not invoke a higher power to explain their system as that is like cheating.
It is not until we remove ourselves from the local level and look at all the information in all the fields and realise that these in turn are only semiotic representations of processes that it begins to dawn on us that the big question is not answered.