How a Ball Breaks a Window After reading “Relativity in a Nutshell – Abridged Version” I came away with some ideas that for years I have let ruminate, only giving expression to them in this forum now. That there are actually other people who are into this stuff is awesome.
Now, I’m no maths wiz, but have let reason and logic beat out a path through the years, that is probably filled with holes and contradictions or obvious and well known conclusions. But, hey, it helped kill time while waiting at the bus stop. So here goes the chain of logic, or part thereof. I’d appreciate it if you jumped in where you can and showed me why the logic doesn’t hold.
We know that when energy acts directionally on mass it causes acceleration. We know that when we release the energy input, constant velocity results (unless in some other interference field). The magnitude of this constant velocity is dependent on the point of release during the acceleration. The more acceleration it acquired the higher the release velocity. Thus as it continues on ad infinitum at this higher velocity relative to its buddy that didn’t get accelerated, it must be now be holding something inside it that makes it different to its buddy. We know its mass has increased because of the acceleration, so what happened?
There’s not much to play with for a non-quantum mechanist such as myself. We have mass and we have energy. We gave energy, the object acquired mass. Somewhere along the line the energy we gave was swapped for mass.
We know acceleration is a vector. The object doesn’t accelerate in all directions. The energy we gave it was directional. We acted on the atoms. We acted on the energy fields, directionally.
Is it not reasonable to suggest therefore that by adding energy and direction to the field of an atom we should be able to create an acceleration of the atom? Or that after releasing our own energy input, the energy field should restore and acceleration should stop? How about that restoration of the energy field stops the acceleration?
The object thereafter travels at constant velocity. Velocity isn’t affected by the removal of the energy input - it doesn’t dwindle down.
I think it is also reasonable to argue that the increased mass may have occurred in an attempt by the atom to restore the energy field by converting the excess energy to mass. The idea of Relativity is that acceleration is resisted.
The first little branch I want to snap off from this observation if you’ve made it this far with me is that: We have all these objects whizzing about in space at constant velocity relative to each other in different directions. Imagine the scenario that they are identical objects moving away from each other - by comparing the mass of two identical objects (arrows or balls), it should be possible to determine which object has the highest velocity relative to the other, which one is moving away the fastest.
If this is possible, it should be also be possible to create a hierarchy of energy states for identical objects and perhaps even come out with a baseline energy configuration (lowest mass), therefore grounding relativity at reference point (Uh oh, points again).
The second little branch would be that by observing the internal energy state of an object it should be possible to determine the magnitude and direction of acceleration of an object without actually calculating it over a distance. We don’t need observed motion.
The next part of this I want to discuss is Time and motion.
I also find it interesting that Time does not interact with objects of constant velocity (except maybe to age them). The bending of space, the creation of mass, all has to do with Time and acceleration, and it acts to shut the acceleration down.
Time treats constant velocity object and stationary objects the same. It leaves them alone. To Time, both are moving through Time at the same speed. You could argue that to Time, both could be either moving or not moving and it wouldn’t know the difference. It can’t differentiate. If this is the case, then Time can’t sense the traversal of Space (spacing). We could therefore surmise that all non-accelerating objects may exist in the same location relative to Time (a point).
It is not until you disturb the energy field of an object that Time sees it move. Perhaps to Time, a constant acceleration is akin to a constant velocity (this is a similar situation to that which occurs when we differentiate or integrate an x out of the equation).
Another way to look at it is: We know that to an accelerating object Time slows, so to Time, an accelerating object must move.
This different action of Time on identical objects (accelerating v non-accelerating), suggests that Time has more than one dimension. We (you and me) are receiving the watered down version of it that allows us to age as our systems break down, but the real action of Time is on acceleration.
Because it seems we can reach this state by supposing some differential or integration has occurred, it makes me wonder what else would appear or disappear if we did the same thing again at either one of these levels?
If acceleration is seen by Time as velocity, then what would be the equivalent of acceleration? If Time is a watered down version for us, then what is it if we water it down further? What disappears?
Just a short note on our previous discussion of time and its divisibility:
I've tried to think of infinitely sharp razors cutting the infinitely divisible time and it's got me nowhere, so like Rich suggested, I've jettisoned the idea for now.
But Time is continuous not like a flowing river, but like a piece of string. The stationary arrow or the shot arrow both move along the string at the same speed relative to Time (except when the arrow was accelerating). If I can swap out the stationary arrow, why can’t I swap out the moving arrow?