
  • In the Beginning.....

    No. Its that small phone.
  • In the Beginning.....

    I do! Thanks mister T! :smile: Bed awaits. Oh bliss of sweet dreams and dark nothing...
  • In the Beginning.....
    You wanna talk physics? Have a GOOD discussion, dialectical discourse? You seem to know about it.Prishon

    I do! Thanks T! :smile:
  • In the Beginning.....
    and any lack of quality is made up for in quantityBanno

    AND any...
  • In the Beginning.....
    and any lack of quality is made up for in quantity...!Banno

    Ah! Banno has joined the troops...

    Whers did you get that one from? What lack of quality? Are you jealous? Give a physical argument please.
  • In the Beginning.....

    You wanna talk physics? Have a GOOD discussion, dialectical discourse? You seem to know about it.
  • In the Beginning.....
    In the USA it's childish to talk about yourself in the third person, as you seem to know:Gregory

    Thats exactly my intention! The child isnt endowed yet.
  • In the Beginning.....
    Newton kept space and time separateGregory

    Well one last question. What do you mean that he "kept them apart"? They cant live without each other...
  • In the Beginning.....

    Anyhow. Im tired. Prishon wanna sleepy sleepy (weieired...). Was nice talking! :smile:
  • In the Beginning.....

    Thats why it is Newtonian. Absolute spacetime. Infinite c.
  • In the Beginning.....
    The rishon model needs no Higgs mechanism. I thoughf this might be the place to ask. I have the frame ready for a nice book.
  • In the Beginning.....
    You've asked about Machs principleGregory

    I dont know if Mach used spacetime or space and time. Newtonian spacetime or Einsteinian. And its a nice question for all
  • In the Beginning.....
    Asking on physics forums offers no solace. Are you kidding. Only mainstream. Even in "beyond the standard model" the questioning of Higgs mechanism (not the particle) bans you.
  • In the Beginning.....
    Then why are you asking people on a random website questions about physics when you can just ask your colleagues.Gregory

    You think I havent done that? Ive emailed with Harari even. About the rishon model. Most others just dismiss. Fixation on standard model.
  • In the Beginning.....
    Everywhere, on threads and your threadsGregory

    Can you give an example of one?
  • In the Beginning.....

    I see THOUGHTS AND IMAGINATIONS TO BE DESCRIBED BY MATH ONLY. Math is nice but can lead astray. Its the image that comes first.
  • In the Beginning.....

    So. Ive answered the question. What question of mine?
  • In the Beginning.....

    After master I quit. Didnt wanna spend 4 years on how an electron behaves. For 1200 euros a month. Better things to do!
  • In the Beginning.....
    Something doesnt add upGregory

    Huh? What then. You think I have collegues? I only studied there. Particle physicist is not my daily work. And luckily so! Im not bound and fixed to the standard model. That damned phone!
  • In the Beginning.....
    Now you answer my question. Where? Everywhere is no answer.
  • In the Beginning.....
    Everywhere. Where did you get your degree?Gregory

    Exactly what I expected. Second time ask about the degree answering my question with a nonsense answer. VU Amaterdam. Whats so important about a degree.?
  • In the Beginning.....
    The questions you ask indicate otherwise. Where did you get your degree?Gregory

    Which questions?
  • In the Beginning.....

    I am. Nevertheless, Im interested in speculative bullshit. Always an outside chance I can learn something.
  • In the Beginning.....
    I was referring to how certain laypeople use physics as an empty vase in which to arrange the flowers of speculative bullshit...Tom Storm

    Can you give an example how these flowers look like? Im very interested in big bang physics and math!
  • In the Beginning.....

    Is that a lovesigh?
  • In the Beginning.....

    I dont eschew it. But the ideas, the imagination is what truly counts. Math hides this. For example the math of local gauge (phase) transformations combined with a symmetry breaking (Higgs mechanism) is imaginary. No one can give a satisfactory account of mass creation (in the sense of saying what actually the math describes; I asked too much about this on physics sites; Deleted!) Ghosly Goldstone bosons eaten up by the gauge field fir the weak interaction? Nono. I donot buy that. They could be wrong you know. The math is perfect and shiny. Nature doesnt follow though.
  • In the Beginning.....
    Not sure that counts but thanks for being grandioseTom Storm

    Why you not sure? Are you also physicist? It IS grandiose to know! :grin:
  • In the Beginning.....
    Unless we are elite physicists we have no idea how toTom Storm

    I am not an elite ohysicist. Im a particle physicist and have a rather clear view what happened.
  • In the Beginning.....
    what is the structure of time that is there PRIOR to, that is, presupposed by normal science.Constance

    There is no prior. God created the whole if infinity of time. No time involved. The word was spoken and BANG. The eternal universe was there. His wird is revealed. I heard him speak. The is the holy trinity. His own image. Thats from what he created. From himself. The contemplation of the holy trinity is the contemplation of god. But Rishin no care about god. God can go to hell says Rishon. As far as I'm cincerned god is dead. I care about his creation though...
  • Is 'information' physical?

    Last link: infinite memory. The only information in the brain is that of connection strengths between neurons. EVERY process in the universe can be whirl around as a process in the brain. A chess board can be really seen as a chessboard fform in the brain when imagining it. On the same neurons a bird can fly.
  • Near death experiences. Is similar or dissimilar better?
    NDE tunnels of light and such
    Can be explained by neurology

    Poetry! The form, that is. But light and nde nor sleep dream and wakey wakey cannot be explained by neurology.
  • Is 'information' physical?
    The human brain stores information in quite a similar way as a computer does, only with a strong biochemical element to the mechanism.Michael Zwingli

    Here you are wrong. There are no memories stored in the brain. I saw in a children show in TV a "brainstorm-fact" given. The memory storage in the brain should be 20 000 Gb. It's not.
  • Is 'information' physical?
    The computing analogy is useful hereMichael Zwingli

    No. Its not.
  • Is 'information' physical?
    The perception of phenomena yields information within the mind, and said data is compiled from that information.Michael Zwingli

    What information?
  • Does Zeno's paradox proof the continuity of spacetime?

    Can you word your feeling? You feel it is right? Are not space and time separated but living together?
  • Near death experiences. Is similar or dissimilar better?
    Are physics people always pretty closed in the ideas they'll consider?TiredThinker

    Yes! They banned me on all forums.
  • In the Beginning.....
    God's word has the power of creation.baker

    Gods are eternal. They posses the magic essence. They created the world in their image. So the world is eternal and magic filled. The eternal magic is created by divine words only. Which goes to show that in the beginning there was the word. Spoken by gods for the holy trinity to emerge. From which we and every living creature are formed. In the beginning there was one-ness. Shifting over time in a dual interdependend world united by the magic bodies that we are. In between we are. The contemplation of the holy trinity unit is heard by revelations. To be spread by the word. I give you that words.
  • Conceiving Of Death.
    For them death would be just recycle processCorvus

    Haha! The reincarnation of a pencil. The reingraphitation of pencil. A short story... :grin:
  • In the Beginning.....
    I assumed you would take that as a complimentT Clark

    I did! But Prishon is an imaginative guy. Likes to expess and imagine. No further implications. I like being a PITA! As long as the pains implies backreaction from the ones I give that pain to.
  • In the Beginning.....
    Vague talk about the limits of logic and how this renders the most salient dimensions of human existence unspeakable is just dismissive, and sets one on a course of inquiry that, in positivist fashion, prizes clarity over substance, and if "Making our Ideas Clear" (Peirce) were the be all and end all of philosophyConstance

    Beauiful! Philo-poetry! :ok:
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