
  • Coronavirus
    No, you didn't. You only would like me to believe you answered my questions but you truly did not.

    Have you done any "real scientific research"? Yes or no?

    Why do you believe questionable personalities without considering opposing arguments?

    Why are scientists and medical professionals who don't agree with the "official" narrative blocked out of the equation?

    Why do you think I'm like your friend? Did I say you are...

    "just jealous of his superior scientific knowledge and ability to analyze scientific studies and he said I was a Nazi pure and simple"

  • Coronavirus
    You didn't answer any of my questions.
  • Coronavirus
    Have you done any "real scientific research"? Why do you believe questionable personalities without considering opposing arguments? Isn't that what real science is supposed to be? Why do you think I'm like your friend? Do you conflate everything with everything else? I think you do.
  • Coronavirus
    Because they did their own research. :rofl:James Riley

    And you didn't.
  • Coronavirus
    Why do they all sound the same?Xtrix

    Because you are stupid.
  • Does Buddhist teaching contain more wisdom than Christianity?

    When you say "Buddhism" "Christianity" "Wisdom", I have to ask, what do you mean?

    Are you thinking of an all inclusive Buddhism? Are the Hinayana, Mahayana, Vajrayana schools all the same? Are the four Tibetan Buddhist lineages all the same? Is Zen Buddhism the same as the above? (no, it's not).

    When you say "Christianity," do you mean the exoteric, Roman orthodoxy or proto-orthodoxy? Are you thinking of the Old Testament, the New Testament or both? By "Christian," are apocryphal and pseudepigraphal writings included? What about esoteric Christianity and mysticism like the writings of Eckhart Tolle, Reinhold Niebuhr, Thomas Kempis and Valentin Tomberg? What about early Christian writings that are collectively found in the works of heresiologists like Irenaeus, Athanasius, Tertullian, Hippolytus and Epiphanius? What about the early Christians they railed against; the Gnostics, their books and the discovery of the Nag Hammadi scriptures in 1945?

    When you say "wisdom," do you mean experiential or learned? Is one obtainable without the other? Does one lead to the other? Can one lead to the other? What is the goal of Christianity? What is the goal of Buddhism? Are they "salvation" and "enlightenment" respectively or is there more to the story?

    So I have to answer your question yes and no.