
  • What is the singer of Coldplay singing about?
    I don't pretend to know the meaning of any song. Perhaps there is not one particular meaning to any. But we can try.

    It feels as if the author identifies himself with the person of Jesus Christ. Many lyrics come straight out of the New Testament of the Bible. 'Never an honest word' probably is self-criticism and criticism of the church and christianity. After all, there is a strong connection between European colonialism and christianity. Spreading the gospel and converting the indigenous peoples was part of the policy. The Spanish title might refer to the Spanish Empire.

    This is just one interpretation. Maybe it's way too negative. Let me know what you think
  • Is craziness subjective?
    Well, from my own experience I can say that sanity is a sliding scale. And there was an obvious point where I went from functional to dysfunctional. Eventually I signed myself up to live in a mental institution. I got institutionalized for 6 months. And after that I lived in a sheltered flat with psychiatric support for 4 years. During those years I got off of medication, travelled the world and eventually learned to live on my own without social workers or psychologists. I think the world is unhealthy in many ways, the word sane in Latin literally means healthy. Prolonged stress is unhealthy, all animals try to avoid it. Our performance-oriented culture uses stress for peak performance. Doing that all the time causes so much damage. And I wish humanity will realize this.
  • Is Baudrillard's Idea of the 'End' of History Relevant in the 21st Century?
    Early christians believed that the 'end of times' had come during the destruction of the Jewish Temple in 70 AD in Jerusalem. The remains of that temple are believed to be the Wailing Wall.
    Some people believe that the 'end of times' is now during this pandemic.

    I don't think the 21st century is the end of humanity. Simply because we have survived an ice age and we are very much aware that the weather is one of the biggest threats in terms of survival.

    Humanity has made enormous technological progress since the Industrial Revolution. Unfortunately, a lot of that progress was used for warfare. Personally I believe that war doesn't benefit anyone or anything. I don't know a single person that survived the Second World War who managed to successfully heal from their traumas. And we're not even talking about the damage and harm done to nature.

    So I think we should learn from history instead of trying to end it.
  • Philosophy as a cure for mental issues
    I think most people lack the humility to say: I don't know.

    There is scientific evidence to support that the Earth is a globe.
    There is little scientific evidence to support the underlying theories of psychiatry and psychology.

    The brain can be located in the body. The psyche is a translation for an old-Greek word for soul. We don't even know if such a thing exists.

    Right now everyone on the internet is expressing their creative writing and typing skill. They think they are speaking from the heart. That is all very poetic and nice, but as far as we understand it emotions are formed in the brain. And writing and speaking is not the same thing.

    I prefer the word humbleness anyway. Humility reminds me too much of humiliation.

    The humbleness to study philosophy

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