
  • Power and equality
    It is my belief that a certain personality gains a position of power. And when such positions of power are in the hands of a different personality, then power corrupts and the result is the same. Now people that do not corrupt are very rare. So it is my belief that power is mostly used in a negative way. And it is my belief that those that are being ruled over: Should demand that power is used in a positive way. By making them aware of the different ways of how power can be used.
  • Power and equality
    Of course slightly based on policy in my opinion but I believe for a large part based on his personality.
  • Power and equality
    First of all I do not believe they create structures that are convenient. I believe the power structures are already in place. Only Trump has to take the position of power from which he might want to expand his own power or the power of the state. But this does not have to be the case.

    It is my firm belief that Trump was chosen based on his personality and Clinton lost based on her personality. Policies did not enter the arena, which I believe to be a mistake from Hillary. Because this would have given her a even bigger chance to win.

    I completely agree with your assessment of Hitler, it is my belief that such leaders can get into a position of power, because most of the public is unaware. And I believe if the public knew how such leaders gain a position of power. They would resist and such leaders would be unable to gain a position of power. And a lot of damage can be prevented.
  • Power and equality
    yes indeed. More or less
  • Power and equality
    I disagree with your views.

    - I do believe we follow people mostly based on charisma. And we should only look at who can execute the best policies.

    - I agree that people keep obeying because of complicit because they would lose there reward, status and material. And because they would lose that they keep on obeying and don't follow there principals.

    - And I am not to blame, I have written this book and done what I thought was best whether things got better or worse. But I gave it my best try.

    - No book can solve all the worlds problems but I hope i can find out. Whether I can make an improvement.
  • Power and equality
    Why did people vote for Hitler? Because of his strong policy? Or because of his charisma?
  • Power and equality
    I do not believe we should follow leaders that play into our emotions and fears and that are seen as charismatic. I believe we should look at the policies that someone puts forth. And we should not follow someone because he is seen as charismatic. And I do not believe people should be able to get what they want because everybody is to afraid to stop obeying
  • Power and equality
    You have not understand it and your talking has nothing to do with my book
  • Power and equality
    It is my belief that people would demand kindness, charity, compassion out of each other. Especially from our leaders. I agree that it is somewhat coercive in it self to make people aware of this fact, but I believe that it is coercive because people want to see this change in others, and especially from those with power. It is coercive, in that our leader would be unable to abuse there power. Because people would be aware how leaders abuse their power.

    When people become aware and know how leaders abuse their power. People would not tolerate abuse of power. Which I believe to be an improvement. For those being ruled over which is the majority, but is not in the interest of the ruler. Who is being coerced to not abuse his power.

    It is my belief that when people become aware of the different ways they can be influenced. For example:

    - aggression
    - warmth

    And when people become aware of these different ways of influencing. It becomes coercive in it self because no one would want to be influenced through aggression. Only by becoming aware of these different ways of influencing, the information would influence how people want to be treated. I do not think that there are a lot of people that want to be influenced through aggression instead of warmth when they are aware of these facts.

    For example, people follow charismatic leaders. They follow them because of there charisma. However when people become aware that charisma does not have anything to do with strong policy (Hitler for example) they would stop following charismatic leaders, and follow the person with the strongest policy. Which would influence who people would follow based on the new information. Which would influence events (which looks somewhat like coercion).
  • Power and equality
    It is my belief that your social position is largely determined by your brain structure. It is my belief that ruthless people are at the top of the social positions. And that people that are more kind have a lower social position. In my opinion everybody talks about ethics. But in reality ethics does not work.

    The reason for this being: the pressure to conform is so great. Through for example: social pressure or coercion. These are ways in which people with power get others to conform. So in theory ethics sound great but in the reality and in the practicality people are unable to follow up on there principals and beliefs and there ethics. This is because the power to conform is so great, through social pressure and coercion.

    So out of fear, for people with power. People will not follow up on what they belief in. Because if they follow up on their belief, they will be coerced. So in theory it is easy to have principals but in the reality out of fear, people will not follow up on there principals. So on paper ethics sounds great but in the reality it does not work.

    And for this reason something as simple as bullying (on which everyone in theory agrees that bullying is bad), we are unable to get rid of. This is for several reason, but some of these reasons are: we follow ruthless people and we do not dare in reality to stop conforming.

    And for this reason there is inequality between people based on there personality characteristics. And I belief this to be unfair. And I believe the inequality between people, that some are able to bully and others are being bullied (both based on there personality) to be an inequality and unfair.
  • Power and equality
    It is original. You should read it and then you can give your opinion.