
  • Alternatives to taxation when addressing inequality
    Using anti-trust regulation to break up the estates of robber barons would reduce wealth concentration. If you really wanted to reduce inequality long term you could make all their companies worker co-ops. Failing that a 12:1 pay ratio (recently suggested in Switzerland) would keep executive pay in line with median pay.

    Forgiving debts and inflating the currency would transfer wealth from savers to debtors.
  • Why the ECP isn’t a good critique of socialism
    Communists transformed the most backwards and impoverished country in Europe into a technological and military super power that killed Hitler and launched humans into space. They did so in the space of a single generation.
  • Preventing starvation in Afghanistan involves a moral dilemma?
    Money and other resources are fungible. If foreigners feed, clothe or educate Afghani civilians the national government is free to divert resources away from those areas towards other areas, such as the army.

    The civil war Nigerian forces fought against separatists in Biafra was sustained by donations made by international aid groups. The separatists would have surrendered or been defeated much faster without it.
  • Are there sports where nothing is open to subjective interpretation?
    I've heard that swimmers dislike being in the outside lane due to (perceived) turbulence but 100m sprints and 110m hurdles appear perfectly neutral.

    Many esports would qualify since there is no ref and thus no space for subjective decisions. Rocket League (football with cars) is the best example I can think of as you can't accuse the maps of favouring one side/ role over the other.