
  • How do those of you who do not believe in an afterlife face death?
    Probably you'll just live this life over again.
    Learning and relearning.
    Until you finnaly achieve.. .
    Perfect hair.
  • How do those of you who do not believe in an afterlife face death?
    Personally. I face death with a couple of my own truths,granted as worset says.
    The creator doesn't have to care what ee say or think.
    Death is the opportunity for life.
    Just as destruction breeds creation.
    In Hinduism one god dances to destroy while the other creates.
    This all happening now.
    Imagine if you would an infitine amount of nows. How would that be? It'd be like what I assume the vibration in the air looks like once you've smacked a gong,constantly over and over again without end.
    Every time you hit that "gong" a new universe rings out untill the sound grows silent and fades away but there will be more if it continues to be rung.
    The only constant is the gong itself.
    Maybe thats what we call god or the source
    Some say it's consciousness itself but why does it have to be?
    Life is the intertangled creative thought of the vibration itself making its way in such creative colorful patterns it actually seems,physical.
    As if anything ever was.
    I don't know if I explained that right.
    It's probably all just a big game of hide and seek anyways but what do I know?
    Not a thing.

    Btw the hell fire doctorine is tottal crao because we are nothing but receivers for frequencies and thoughts to project off. Kind of like a black mirror. So why is it our fault for what thoughts come in our mind and subsequently the resulting action. If god knew everything from the beginning every move you'd make and at the same time wishes none of his creation perish do you think he would even create you knowing you would end up in hell?
    That sounds like some sick kid on the playground with a maginifne glass terrorizing ants sorta shit that just doesn't make sense.
    I'm not going to get into a discussion of free will and freedom of choice yada yada.
    Just know I'm pretty sure god would understand the ignorance that makes humans do what they do.
    But again he doesn't have to care what anyone thinks.
    He could be a total dick and say fuck you if your not a mormon you're fucked.
    Who knows?


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