Eternity Thank you all for your responses. For me, eternity is more of an experience, hence why I “know” it to be true (by “know I simply mean for me, obviously not everyone else will have that experience). It’s almost like I can see it and feel it in every passing moment. At least, that’s the best I can try to explain it. If I were to humbly suggest a lowly excuse for a logical argument for it (which some of you may rip to shreds for all I know), I’d probably say that the fact that the present moment was able to manifest (self evident present experience), no matter what form that present moment may be, is an indication that it must therefore manifest infinitely. An innumerable amount of times for all of what we would call “eternity.” I probably embarrassed myself with that explanation, it just seems very difficult to articulate a direct experience I have into a logical proclamation.