If you used all of your knowledge of chemistry, you could not predict the basic scientific principles of biology, e.g. the structure and behavior of a single-celled organism. This is true even though every process that takes place in the cell would proceed consistent with the principles of chemistry. — T Clark
If you're saying that biological processes are predictable from chemical processes, I think the consensus is that you're wrong. — T Clark
No direction. Unless you want to claim a divine purpose. — Bradskii
That story does not explain why the surviving rabbit was able to run faster. It explains why it survived which is a trivial observation. — Andrew4Handel
But is seems what needs to happen is for the long legs to evolve somehow by genetic mutation alone , already exist and then be selected which means the key process is the beneficial mutation and why that happened. — Andrew4Handel
The capacity for legs to evolve would require preexisting emergent properties available in biochemistry which would not be explained by evolution it self. — Andrew4Handel
For example how would a polar bear survive in the North pole if it did not already have lots of body fat and White fur etc. It is not going to be competing against green and red and thin bears. — Andrew4Handel
But biological principles are not derivable from chemical principles, e.g. if you know chemistry, you can't derive biology. — T Clark
One point that Apokrisis stresses is that higher levels affect, constrain, lower levels as much as lower levels constrain higher levels. — T Clark
Perhaps, but evolution by natural selection, which is what Darwin and Wallace studied, is primarily biological. — T Clark
A house made with natural things can be considered as natural as a bird's nest or a bee hive but our homes today are made of man-made materials and they are very toxic when they burn. I think there is a clear dividing line between nature substances and man-made ones. — Athena
Ah that is a very complex subject that might be worthy of its own thread. Not that long ago people were beating the devil out of their children. Some people still think like that but they could get their children taken away by a society that sees that as ignorance. We now associate beating children with child abuse and the cause of them growing up badly. We have made progress. We have also made progress regarding poverty but this progress swings with political parties and media stirred understanding of those who vote them into office. We made progress largely because of education, but in 1958 we radically changed the purpose of education and there are social, economic, and political ramifications to that change. Before we make any final decisions we need to see how things develop from here. — Athena
Oh my goodness, your children are just neural patterns? In a caring world, we are just neural patterns? Hum, I have to take a deep breath and calm how I feel about humans being just neural patterns and no different from simulations of humans. You really excited my neural programming with that train of thinking. :lol: Let's see, does a simulation of a human bleed red blood? What really matters is being human. — Athena
I sure wish we could watch movies together and talk about them. In the past, we all agreed to defend ourselves from zombies and aliens from outer space, but now we are going to turn everything over to AI because there is no difference between being human or just simulations of them? — Athena
Do you feel that (1) contemplation and/or (2) meditation cannot exist without the other aspect? — Bret Bernhoft
Saying minds are based on DNA is the rejection of the entire global philosophical movement throughout history. — Gregory
What we see in organisms is incredibly useful order and is any of it predictable? — Andrew4Handel
It seems like there is so much going on upon earth from conscious minds to DNA to eco systems and society that no single (reductionist) model would suffice to explain it and may be inexplicable by law based models. — Andrew4Handel
I am a gay a man (an evolutionary genetic dead end I suppose) apparently serving no biological purpose. Evolution has not only to create the two sexes male and female and keep their reproductive biology compatible but also instill a sexual desire between the two sexes which has bypassed me. — Andrew4Handel
There is so much that can go wrong but does it matter are we progressing? Is that a biological idea? — Andrew4Handel
The degrees of freedom model is fairly easy to understands because know from breaking something like a vase or using a jigsaw puzzle breaking things up is much easier than reassembling them. So what force would make things usefully assemble and combat the destructive forces of nature? — Andrew4Handel
There is no plausible explanation of why things should get more complex over time. — Andrew4Handel
Things don't tend to spontaneously arrange themselves into useful formations. — Andrew4Handel
For example you break an egg and it never just rearranges itself to a whole egg again. — Andrew4Handel
There is a difference between factoids and wisdom however — Gregory
f I said I believed in goblins and dragons, you'd laugh. But yet you'd accept aliens? What's the difference? Sounds like science wants to take the mystery out of life. I'm committed to mysticism — Gregory
Thanks for the resources. And I recommend Aristotle on form and matter, a good start as well. Science and math serve philosophy, not the other way around. Organisms can't be pulled apart by abstractions — Gregory
So everytime a change in the species happens it happens with a handful of members at most, because it's random. So why did they survive every time there was a mutation and there was only a few that this happened too. — Gregory
It is not easy being human and we have some pretty big problems to deal with, but we have done amazing things and life is so much better than it was and I have a lot of hope for our future. — Athena
Your explanation of what you believe in is interesting because it lacks important human qualities. Not only is your post lacking in human qualities but also nature's qualities. This is common today as we have separated ourselves from nature. — Athena
If you added Aristotle and a study of ethics and virtues to what is important for us to know, we would have a stronger agreement. — Athena
How is AI going to get us all to agree on one world order? — Athena
before judging humans we might take a look at what they believe and consider if changing that belief would lead to improvements. Not AI but humans using their intelligence. — Athena
When I deal with a person, I want to do so eyeball to eyeball. I am good with internet forums, but when it is something that deals with my real life, I want reality. Thank you. — Athena
Only because those people do not comprehend the time-scale, the rate of reproduction and mutation in one-celled organisms and the reproductive advantage of beneficial mutation.
(And, of course, cats don't evolve into dogs; dogs and cats both evolved from https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/scitech/science/343965/cats-and-dogs-had-a-common-ancestor-and-here-it-is/story/ and so did a whole bunch of other animal species. It took 40+million years. ) — Vera Mont
We are speaking different languages. — TheMadMan
I'm using it as a fundamental principle of reality. — TheMadMan
Also the use of the word intelligence is different. I'm using it as the guiding principle of consciousness. — TheMadMan
Another difference is that you create a duality of matter and consciousness. I do not. — TheMadMan
But it also doesn't make any sense to me how consciousness is emergent from matter.
That would mean that matter precedes it.
How can matter without any form of intelligence -since in this case consciousness is emergent- create something like consciousness, which is intelligence. It's like a sculpture creating the sculptor.
No matter how I go through it, science, philosophy or religion, consciousness always has to be fundamental and not emergent. — TheMadMan
My question then would be, in your opinion, why does the universe want to be fully conscious? And why wasn't it fully conscious from the beginning of that is the ultimate goal? — Benj96
However, touching a dying deer and transferring its feelings to a man, is going beyond believable. — Athena
A belief in a spirit world is tied to our need to kill and eat and it is a false notion that humans kill without feeling empathy. Some humans kill for the pleasure of hunting and killing, but we should not assume this covers everyone. Are you vegetarian? If you eat meat, don't feel some remorse? Most of us rationalize the good reasons for doing what we do and it could be a lot of fun to discuss this and what life would be like if AI made it impossible for us to do anything that could be harmful to other creatures and the planet. — Athena
You know your past Christian thinking. Not all Christians think alike. They share with you a belief that humans are not doing amazingly well and therefore they must depend on a higher power. Only the notion of that higher power is different for you today than when you were younger. You gave your idea of God a material body. However, you seem to have discounted the fact that God gave us free will. Why would a God do that? — Athena
I think our liberty is vitally important to being human. — Athena
A young boy goes to the store to buy his mother a gift. He picks out a flower and while looking at the vases he accidentally drops and breaks one. Humans respond to this with all our human knowledge. He was out to do good and did not intentionally break the vase. He is just a child and such a sweet child to be buying a gift for his mother. That is not how AI responds. An AI response is human-caused damage and is not able to pay for it, so the human must go to jail. A plus B equals jail. There are no maternal feelings or knowledge of the human experience to do any better than a math equation. AI will not give us heaven on earth. — Athena
From a fractal POV, our problems will be of the same type, only this time a hundred or a thousand fold magnified. — Agent Smith
I see no significant difference between your thinking and Christian thinking. Democracy requires citizens to take responsibility. That is different from depending on God or AI to save us. — Athena
AI controlling our lives is not democracy. When we give up independent thinking and responsibility we are no longer a democracy. How do you think relying on AI can be democracy? AI can not feel and can not think as a human. Where is the love and caring of AI? — Athena
though I don't actually believe we have the time. — Vera Mont
Everything is connected: objects and subjects. What ought we value? How ought we live? — Benj96
I have been thinking about your post and it dawned on me that feeling other people's pain any more than I already do, would be hell for everyone. I would absolutely have to stop you from doing anything that may be harmful. You might not like that. — Athena
A child between the ages of 14 to 30 does not want their parents interfering with what they want to do. What do you think about that? — Athena
Individuals having authority and equality. I do not believe AI can improve on that. — Athena
When we began to manifest democracy, we created a division of powers and a system to checks and to assure authority and power stays with individuals. — Athena
Are you a Christian or do you think your belief system is better than being a Christian? Both you and Christians hold a very low opinion of humans and both of you are needing a savior, instead of stepping up to the plate and being responsible instead of dependent. — Athena
learning of the virtues and making the effort to be virtuous will never be outdated. However, it can be made near impossible by keeping the people ignorant. Humans capable to discussing ethics can also be near impossible by keeping the people ignorant and dependent on a savior that is not real but can be made real by people who do not know any better. — Athena
What is good about a hive mind? What you describe sounds absolutely terrible to me. You really think it is a good idea if others know everything we think? No privacy? What you are talking about sure is different from the Constitution the forefathers of the US designed. — Athena
It might be nice if we could fly but there could be problems with that. If we sit all day, we become weak, and we must exercise to maintain our bodies and minds. Nature puts boundaries on us and I am sure we also want boundaries in our relationships. — Athena
We have achieved so much and instead of feeling real good about what we have achieved, everyone here seems to be very negative about our human accomplishments. You all have active imaginations and I am very frightened by the belief that AI can do better and should do it with total control of our needs. I think you all would have voted for Hitler. — Athena