Antinatalism & Masochism An amazing ability to describe oneself that's tragically marred by a small grammatical mistake where you is used instead of "me".
Let's talk about "not understanding".
Your reply was the ROFL emoji.
Definition of ROFL emoji: Rolling on Floor Laughing emoji
Also know as the ROFL emoji, it depicts a smiling face crying tears of joy while leaning to one side, as if rolling over with uncontrollable laughter. It is used to mark anything that is extremely hilarious.
Hilarious things are things that amuse us. Amusing things, in turn, entertain us. Entertainment is usually based upon things that aren't real and are funny. Arguments are generally not funny. Therefore, it would be reasonable to presume that you thought my reply deserved to be treated facetiously even though you did not bother to write an actual refutation.
In light of this, I replied with what I considered to be an apposite response—one that did not have much to do with the topic at hand, but instead had a lot to do with projections. You asked why I keep using the emoji if I found it mysterious. I replied that I find joy in doing so. Apparently that was impossible for you to understand. Putting on a blindfold and then complaining about the lack of sunlight is not a hallmark of comprehensive thinking.
Malthus' predictions were quite pessimistic, something that is relevant to your concerns about overpopulation. However, he was wrong because we did not witness the sort of mass famines that many pessimists had predicted. Your response makes me think that you don't understand what understanding means, just as you don't know happiness even when it is right in front of you.