Right action is what solves the problem at hand honorably, quickest, and with the fewest negative consequences. — T Clark
Hopefully NATO and Russia avoid a nuclear war. It would be nice to see this before we vanish... — Manuel
Fucking Europeans and their continental bullshit!
— Tom Storm
Agreed. — T Clark
Sure. A derivative can describe a rate of change with regard to a non-time variable: dy/dx — jgill
I've flagged you post. We'll let the moderators decide if the Final Solution was an "effective decision — T Clark
That's not true. Strong emotions are sometimes impossible to avoid, but I don't think they lead to effective decision making. — T Clark
As for Heidegger, I thought his concept of das man derived from the fact he'd constantly yell "You da man!" whenever he saw Hitler or some higher-ranking Nazi. But I could be wrong. — Ciceronianus
It's much easier to "oversimplify", and portray genes as little demons with their own selfish agenda, mind-controlling their human vessels with gene-propagating urges. — Gnomon
It's called 'compassion'; a well-known human emotion - maybe it's a sort of altruism, which evolutionary theory will tell you is a vital building block of advanced societies. — Tim3003
You're conflating change and the perception of change — ZzzoneiroCosm
There are instants of time embedded in infinitesimal intervals. — jgill
And everyone who wished people were easier to understand ate it up. — Possibility