
  • Is depression the default human state?
    Depression is a consequence of being divorced from nature in general, and one's own nature in particular. There are countless ways in which this may be brought about. But because it is a departure from the natural state of a human being it cannot be regarded as the 'default' state; for the default state of man is not the unnatural, weakened, domesticated state to which the majority of mankind have willingly reduced themselves (a significant portion of them suffering from depression as a direct consequence of humans separating themselves from nature; but though all instances of human depression can ultimately be traced back to the same underlying root cause, it does not lead to depression in all individuals; but it does produce all manner of dysfunctionality and mental disease, depending on personal circumstnances and individual peculiarities of character and temperament; and the vast majority of people are afflicted with some form of mental illness, whether recognised as such or not). Is it any wonder that being in a degraded state would be associated with feeling depressed? Is not depression the feeling that naturally corresponds to the state of degradation? Is not depression therefore simply the consciousness of the fact that one has become degraded? But then people are indoctrinated with a belief system that makes them interpret their feelings in a different light. So they think depression is just a 'condition' that they have to treat, or for which they should seek a cure. But that's just an attempt to get rid of the feelings that naturally go hand in hand with being a degraded human being divorced from nature. The depression is the body or subsconious trying to tell you useful information about how degraded and unnatural you have become. It's telling you to return to nature and stop degrading yourself. But if you just get rid of the feeling of depression you are still going to be eaten away and destroyed by the same thing which causes the feeling of depression.

    Clearly, then, depression is not the default state of man. Quote the contrary. It is only the default state for those human beings that are totally separated from their real 'default' state, namely the natural state. The natural state is to feel high all the time. The reason people do drugs is because they are trying to get a taste of the natural human state which is very similar to being 'high' on certain recreational drugs except without any of the negative aspects, or the dulling effect that such substances have on the mind.