
  • How to Choose Your Friends
    This seems like a projection to me onto a preconceived idea of what worth a friendship has or should have, so I agree with Anthony on the stipulations being a barrier to openly receiving any person into your world. I also agree with Rafaella on the gift of being receptive to all and every being for what they can teach us. What I think she is referring to is more of an imbalanced relationship where she feels no growth or satisfaction in the exchange, in whatever way that may be balanced, so yes, it would be in her best interest to not be friends with such a person. We all undoubtedly have a spark within us, it's just some lights are dimmer than others, so there is a lack of resonance in energetic frequency, so the imbalance may be perceived as a drain on the other, and so there, yes, the friendship would probably not last. Shine your own light, and the right people will find you, and through your self worth you'll instinctually know who is or isn't good for you.
  • Work - Life Balance?
    Isn't the truth about living our own truths, what we individually came here to learn and experience? Yes, modern day work has been boxed into a capitalist agenda, which robs the masses of identity and freedom of action within their workings. Everything has a predetermined system and rules to adhere to in order to receive monetary compensation, much like the individual giving himself over willingly to a cult of materialism.
    The true spirit who can operate out of its own free volition may experience satisfaction in its works. The snares of societal conditioning of what to do, think, produce, along with the early trappings of indebtedness to others pits many into that black hole before we are often able to be conscious about it. The awakening cones from possibly a split when a traumatic event occurs, say a major job loss or an economic collapse\recession whereby we lose the strings that keep us attached to what we thought made us feel secure, but we are dead. The current times allow for us to go through that trauma to wake up to a deeper more fulfilled way of being. The truth comes after we are living it, maybe only to be realized experientially. The question then of work life balance becomes obsolete as we no longer seek to understand an imbalance there.