
  • Esse Est Percipi
    No, you cannot say that you are a 1000 different people, but you can say that nobody knows who you truly are, not even yourself.If a 1000 people meet you, that creates a 1000 perceptions,not a 1000 different people. I am coming from a perspective that we live in a objective world but cannot experience it, we just experience perceptions of it. You therefore cannot even know yourself to the fullest. With this I want to propose another question: Why do we feel well when we do something that we "THINK" is correct and vice-versa. We cannot know the absolute GOOD or BAD but we have an intuition(?). Does everybody have its own values and acts according to them, but has to adapt them to society to fit in and live amongst others? We know that we need others to survive, but we dont agree with people(which is good). To what degree should we transform our own values(not the ones that are forced upon us) to get along ehit each other?