
  • The Epistemic Value of Faith
    No axiom is verifiable. That are their definition: a statement considered to be true, but without any certainty about this truth. They exist because in order to find data and to start reasoning they are indispensable.

    That's why some philosophy schools, known as the skeptics, considered that it is impossible to know things for sure. The most important one is Pyrrhonism:

    Nut1983: personally, I have lived my life happily enough without religion... Furthermore some religions don't believe in God (e.g Buddhism)
  • The Epistemic Value of Faith
    Hello there.

    To give my opinion on that question, I have to discuss axioms first.

    "An axiom or postulate is a statement that is taken to be true, to serve as a premise or starting point for further reasoning and arguments. " (Wikipedia)

    All that you call knowledge is either an axiom or a result of a reasoning based on one or more axioms. The problem is that you cannot be sure whether an axiom is true or not (or at least it is the case for the majority of them, even in the case of mathematics). For instance, an axiom that I use commonly is to think that my senses give me a quite correct insight of the outside world- which is not sure, because my senses could be influenced by a drug inside my body, or what I call the outside world could be in fact an environment generated by a computer program. So one must be very careful before adding a new axiom in the set of the ones he is already using. Otherwise it can lead him to have contradictions, meaning that given some of his axioms A is true but with another ones A is false, which is the worst in reasoning and knowledge.

    Basically, religions make us adding a whole bunch of axioms, with little reason because none of them are really useful in our daily life nor they are bluntly evident-which are basically the only two good reasons to accept new axioms. Or at least it is what I consider to be true, but other ones might object that religion help them to have an happier life.

    I don't know if I have answer your question, but here is what I have to say on the subject.

The French Guy

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