
  • Culture Is Not Genetic
    different cultures have unique architecture, tools, churches, art etc
    Exactly cultures have those things not entire races of people. So the word race should not be applied to the definition of culture. Entire races of people share many different cultures. Why do you feel like there must be a different word to separate the Maori culture from the Maori race. A blue hammer and a blue wrench are not the same to you are they? The way you continue to duck the definition of race in the dictionary makes it obvious this conversation was over a long time ago. Now we are just echoing statements we've already made. Have a good night.
  • Culture Is Not Genetic
    The Maori race is the genetic side. The Maori culture is the location, way of life, social norms etc witch people of various genetics can be apart of if allowed. The main argument I'm still sitting with is the way Merriam-Webster has defined both race and culture. You didn't answer about your thoughts on the way race is defined.
  • Culture Is Not Genetic
    We disagree on material traits of racial groups. Can you explain to me what those words mean to you. What are material traits of racial groups if not physical distinctions?
  • Culture Is Not Genetic
    The way you presenting your argument is that Maori cannot be both a race and seprately a culture that has a core location.
  • Culture Is Not Genetic
    The word general is not in that definition. The definition sates that culture is based on race among other things, not generally based on race and other points, the definitions says it is based on race and other factors. Race is the small variation. It's small, but it's there and just because Venter and Collins want to ignore and down play our differences instead of address how the word race is used it doesn't mean you should. Race is used in to identify people who look different disregarding any of their social qualities. Since race is not used to discuss social behavior it's used to differentiate between people by the way they look. Once again race should not be in the definition of culture.
    Merriam-Webster also defines race (towards the bottom of the page) as: any one of the groups that human beings can be divided into based on shared distinctive physical traits. I know you don't agree with this definition. Should the definition of race be changed?
    I ask this question because dictionary's should be books of fact not contradictions.
  • Culture Is Not Genetic
    "related" "tied to" "defined by" pick one. The definition of culture has nothing to do with race. You just spoke about cultures that can have many different variations of genetics depending on who is born where the culture is practiced. A person born in the culture does not have to have the same genetics as everyone else to be completely tied to that culture being what they were raised around. There are people who have the same genetics all around the world, but even though they look similar their cultures are different all the way down to language and way of life. Race should not be in the definition of culture.
  • Culture Is Not Genetic
    Do people of the same race all have a shared culture?
  • Culture Is Not Genetic
    It's not about the definition saying it's only related to race. My argument is that it's not related to race at all let me clarify. Culture is social ideology. Race is genetic. race shouldn't be in the definition at all.
  • Culture Is Not Genetic
    The best way to sum up what I'm saying is learned behavior overrides any beliefs of genetic predisposition to living one way or another. Learned behavior can come from media, caretakers, parents and peers. The culture we follow and become a part of depends on where we feel most accepted. We are all products of the information we get from our environment and how we make meaning of that information.
  • Culture Is Not Genetic
    Thank you all for replying. I saw many people jump to black and white even though I was talking about Chines culture and american culture. The only race I mentioned was Asian and didn't mention a race for America. The talk about cultures clashing was more about differing ways of life like the Kurdish and Iraqi who both have various genetics, but live and die over their way of life. It seems different here in american it's like we struggle with racial assumptions and generalizations, but can accept a different cultures or ways of life.

    After reading through the responses I did see some points where people are looking for clarity. When it comes to the word race I'm not looking for political correctness in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, I'm looking for correctness in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Races of humans should be described by their genetic variations, that makes sense to me. It's fine for all people to have and celebrate their differences including race, but the problem comes when someones race is connected to their culture, ideals, personality, or way of life. These traits are not genetic and the only reason people believe they are is because that's what they've been taught to believe. The studies that have information claiming different races have different temperaments, personalities, and IQ's are based on people who are already grown or in their teens, around the time when you'll form your way of thinking for the rest of your life. These studies often leave out the environment / culture those people are coming from and how they may have formed that individuals behaviors and beliefs. I also rarely see the questions being asked or how a behavior is identified through these studies.

    A better way to find out if different races are in some way incompatible with different cultures is to have studies either from birth or using orphans no older than 3 months. Placing children of various races and genders with caregivers who are from cultures that differ from where they are born. Seeing if those children grow up to reject or accept their caregivers, environment, and the way of life where they are placed can give real insight. The key would be to find out if they reject or accept the way of life they are presented with based on their own perception of the genetic differences or just because the people around them accepting or rejecting them. Different stimuli from peers to media can affect the way a child perceives who or what they should be especially when the media is not digested with critical thought of what they are being presented with.

    To those who believe even babies already have a personality at birth, I reject that belief. You can't have a personality until you understand the people and culture around you and are able to express yourself verbally. At birth their just starting to figure it out. How do you know a child is crying due to growing pains, food, or irritation?

    I appreciate all the discussion.