Truth - defining true and false Truth is not an object that you can define in the universe. Truth is a constant value which must exist before the universe or any other existence and one could speculate that it is the only thing that must always be. For example the statement "before the universe existed" demonstrates the ability to give a value to the non-existence of the universe at that point and the truth value of the statement, be the answer true or false, demonstrates the truth value that existed before the universe became.
This look at truth should answer the question "can the universe be defined" to have an answer as it has truth value or it does not. However, as the observer here has literally mapped everything themself, the answer was always Yes, and the observer has quantified and defined the universe by observing it.
Even while the scope may be beyond our comprehension, what ' is' or that which 'exists' must indeed have an end as that is the simple nature of our universe.