
  • The priest and the physicist
    A Russian astronaut and a Russian brain surgeon were once discussing religion. The brain surgeon was a Christian but the astronaut was not. The astronaut said, 'I've been out in space many times but I've never seen God or angels.' And the brain surgeon said, 'And I've operated on many clever brains but I've never seen a single thought.
  • What is NOTHING?
    Hi MadFool before I start helping you out with this, I Just want to tell you that you picked the right name to be making this type of questions, you have to be MAD AND A FOOL to be trying to know whats nothing! With this said let me get started.

    Just like you said lets put Nothing as (N.).
    Mental (M).
    Physical (P) But lets talk physical in senses ((Sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch)) (P=S)

    Ok with this said let me put some other variables under each category and (M), (S) under one category (U) for Universe

    -Life (LM), Death (DM), Time (TM), Space (SM), Thoughts ((Good, evil, peace, war, fate, faith, hunger, sickness, family, religion, creation, destination, end, reality, perspective, relativity, high or low etc)) (TS),
    --Life (LS), Death (DS), Time (TS), Space (SS), Senses ((Good, evil, peace, war, fate, faith, hunger, sickness, family, religion, creation, destination, end, reality, perspective, relativity, high or low etc)) (SSS),

    If we start considering that (M) and (S) conform the Universe (U), we need to start digging to find how can (N.) exist in the (E), but that seems impossible because if theres something, nothing already doesn't exist.

    But theres something weird going on, I'm using one word to much in the last paragraph "exist", thats a whole new realm, Existence (E).

    Now I'm about to enter into the super duper really interesting stuff, so if you really want to know whats the Nothing I need you to be open to all possibilities, only use ur previous knowledge to find out ur own thoughts about it and how can u get there, but never to say that its not truth.

    The Nothingness (N.) is not something that exist here in (U) they are each other counter parts!

    If we consider (U) the infinite creator of everything (M)(S), it doesn't have an end or neither beginning, is infinite with everything in it, everything that will ever be, and everything that will ever come, all past, all present, and all future, we can assume that at this moment we are at the pick of how big the (U) is, but we are also the smallest we will ever be, how come (U) that its everything create (N.).

    So if (U) can't create (N.) because the moment something is created, (N.) is no longer (N.), and (N.) never existed because then if at some moment (N.) was (N.) and then (U) it was just (U-TM-TS), it becomes something that was always part of (U) that it seemed to be (N.), this means that if (N.) really exist it has to be outside of (U).

    So in order for (N.) to exist it has to be outside (U), which would mean that (N.) and (U) are counterparts,
    both are Existence (E)

    Aight this might seem a little weird because I'm changing the style of writing to fit more to what my brain is trying to help you with this question,

    Once upon a time i though that life was everything that there is, it was the biggest thing ever, life was me and life was everything, so I thought if i was life it self I was God, but thinking that life was all that there is was so foolish of me, I was so naive to think that God was alive or dead, I was so stupid really to think God needed life hahahaha, how stupid! I had planed my hole philosophy in the search of the truth of life, wanting to create my one government with the ideal of the whole propose of the nation and its people to find LIFE to be LIFE, that would have been the main mission to give people to the the answer of where life comes from ( before I thought it was God).

    But now I know for sure that God didn't create anything. But GOD DOES exist and its PERFECTION the PERFECTION that can only come from nothingness.

    Theres a saying that u most have heard for sure and it goes like this " nothing is perfect", before I just to really use this other quote to emphasize that life was every thing " the only thing for sure in life is dead" i use this quote to explain that life was everything because for death to exist there needs to be life first, but if I Use this same process with this "NOTHING IS PERFECT" the only thing perfect is nothing or the nothingness, but if you also have really paid attention, I wrote this on this same paragraph "in order for dead to exist theres need to be life first", if you have paid attention theres a particular word on this quote and it is "EXIST" so therefore in order for life to Exist there should be EXISTENCE!

    So if existence exist before life, this comes to be the realm of GOD (using god as the answer to what science can't) but what is existence then if its bigger than life and death, and if its greater than life and death, does this means existence is also greater than space, time, reality? Yes but theres also a limit to what it is not greater than, the Universe. or is it?

    Lets talk about the UNIVERSE, the universe is everything that its and everything that will ever be, or is it? If light exist theres also darkness, if life exist theres also death, and if The UNIVERSE exist (which is everything) there should be the Nothingness!

    Plato and Aristotle just to discuss weather we come from our reasoning or our senses, weather we had an idea first which comes from the perfect idea or we had our senses provide us with the first image in our brain, this made me have a crazy though what would have been in side somebodies brain that doesn't have any senses, does he have anything in there? I realize that if anything was in there its GOD! Existence, in the NOTHINGNESS


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