
  • Who is morally culpable?
    I don't know. I'm not a physics scientist. To me the idea of Eternal Recurrence seems logical. And that in combination with a Big Bang & Big Crunch.

    It's better than the idea of God. I recently lost my faith in God, after worshipping Him for as long as I can remember. It is hard. But these are good alternatives.

    Also, ChatGPT recommends me to use philosophy to get through this difficult phase.
  • Who is morally culpable?
    It's assigned culpability as in 'part of a legal system'.
    It's actual culpability as in 'part of Everything in Existence (what you call the universe).'

    If everything in existence is subjected to the 'laws of physics', then there is no actual culpability.

    On Earth, there is assigned culpability for beings capable of defending themselves in court. Hence humans and artificial intelligence.

    How can the 'laws of physics' be subjected to themselves? They are not, they don't exist, they are simply a continuation of the Big Bang, which will result in the Big Crush, which is also a continuation of the Big Bang. Etcetera, etcetera.

    Hence Eternity. Hence Eternal Recurrence. Hence Eternity.

    Unless I'm wrong of course :rofl:
  • Who is morally culpable?
    Perhaps Humans and Artificial Intelligence? I actually don't know if animals or other lifeforms can be taken to court. Artificial Intelligence might be able to understand and defend itself in court.
  • Is the work environment even ethical anymore?
    I am sorry. I didn't mean it that way.

    So I was wrong...
  • Is the work environment even ethical anymore?
    I don't remember what I was thinking. I only know that the Spanish siesta culture is not common in the other countries you mentioned.

    But maybe I am wrong...
  • Is the work environment even ethical anymore?
    It seems to me that there isn't such a thing as 'Mediterranean Europe'. The differences between the individual countries seem too big.

    At least that is my impression.

    What do you all think?
  • Nietzsche source
    Hilarious! :D
  • Is the work environment even ethical anymore?
    I like the Scandinavian input. As fellow EU-member (Netherlands), we try to learn from our fellow European countries & nations.

    Historically, and I'm speaking hundreds and thousands of years, we are very close to Germany & France. And there is a lot of thought about (work) ethics in both German and French, which has now been translated to English.

    Lucky for us!

    Good discussion :)
  • Is the work environment even ethical anymore?
    Sometimes violence comes knocking at your door before you realize your place.

    These discussions aren't easy for me, but nevertheless important!

    I'm reading your posts with curiosity and interest. Also with diligence and patience.

    As if things will be alright and better.
  • Is the work environment even ethical anymore?
    It's an interesting topic. Someone once noted that humans are more like bees than cats. In the sense that we are programmed to be workers. To keep a system running.

    Whereas cats, such as mine, have no inclination to work whatsoever :P

    So what is ethical? I don't really question too much. I'm very good at following orders. And when I feel that things get out of hand, I set boundaries. For me this is more of an intuitive matter.

    Currently my work-life balance is good. And I intend to keep it that way!
  • Is the work environment even ethical anymore?
    Yes, of course. Live and let live. But sometimes we may be triggered by whatever bothers us. Lash out once, regret it twice. I found out that it is better to sometimes ignore people, because of our dysfunctional dynamics!

    That being said; there seems to be a lack of education in the ethics and morality department. That I agree.
  • Is the work environment even ethical anymore?

    Yeah, Europe is very different. People are very traditional here compared to (some parts) of the US.

    I used to love the night shifts, because they often involved crazy parties (with illegal drugs, :D:P). But I got criticized by people saying that it was bad for my health.

    Nowadays I wouldn't let them judge me so easily anymore.
  • Is the work environment even ethical anymore?
    Hopefully I haven't poisoned the well too much.Moliere

    I'm sure that's fine. I know some people who would love a well of permanent intoxication (hehe :P).

    What do you mean by shift? The quality of workshifts?
  • Is the work environment even ethical anymore?
    It takes a lot of communication. A LOT OF COMMUNICATION. (not shouting, just using capitals for emphasis here).

    It's something I struggle with most. Especially opinionated outsiders. No, you don't work in my workplace, so you don't know what I'm going through! (this is just me being emotional)

    So yeah, I like the topic. As you see I'm very human (although I use AI for my convenience).

    I just came back to The Philosophy Forum after half year. So go easy on me please :D:D:D
  • What is truth?
    Everything is predetermined.
  • Technology and Shamanism are naturally symbiotic, with both feeding the other
    entheogens can make one travel to another world0 thru 9

    I didn't know the word. An umbrella-term for various kinds of drugs, or so it seems. Then I'm entheogenic to some degree as well. :) An otherworldly traveler :gasp:
  • Encounters with Reality / happiness or suffering ?
    It's a negative view of life. Negativity is not bad. It integrates the unpleasant parts of ourselves. In Dutch the word 'geweldig' means amazing! However, the literal meaning of the word is 'violently'! I'm not a man of many words.
  • Encounters with Reality / happiness or suffering ?
    I mean the way that everything that exists in existence is.
  • Ukraine Crisis
    Thanks! I don't know if I want to go into it any deeper. Many Ukrainians don't! They don't want to talk about the war. They just want to move on with their lives. Peace & blessings to you!
  • Encounters with Reality / happiness or suffering ?
    I'm not that difficult. At least... not anymore. Reality can only be accepted if one is well enough to accept it. Denial is default, unless one is good enough to be undenial. I spent most of my adult life unconsciously & subconsciously looking for enlightenment. I wasn't aware of it. I was raised in a very christian family. I just wanted to do Christ's will. That's my life. Maybe everything is predetermined. Maybe not. Who knows. Perhaps reality can only be accepted once one has attained sufficient enlightenments.
  • Ukraine Crisis
    Crazy world we're living in! I have many Ukrainian students. They tell me they have been in war for 10 years. From about the time the Dutch MH17 was shot down above Ukraine. It tells us something about the media and the way they function.
  • Technology and Shamanism are naturally symbiotic, with both feeding the other
    Enjoying the Entheogenic album now. It's mesmerizing! :love:
  • What is truth?
    So would you say there is a strong distinction between truth, facts & laws-of-physics?
  • Technology and Shamanism are naturally symbiotic, with both feeding the other
    Cool! So this thread is very social and also interesting. For me, the underlying oneness consists of our bond. We are all connected to each other. Some ties are tight, some are loose, some are almost non-existent. Shamanism is a difficult topic. It's vague. But the embedding of these videos shows the amazingness of technology. What do you think, Bret?
  • Technology and Shamanism are naturally symbiotic, with both feeding the other
    So I remember Dario G from the London Scene. His song Sunchyme is featured on a shamanic cd of mine (from the CD era...). Link below :)

    Dario G - Sunchyme

    EPIC :D

    (and for some reason I can't get the video inserted here. How did you do that?)
  • What is truth?
    So truth has a lot to do with facts and evidence. With mathematics and physics and chemistry. And no better chemistry than taco love!

    Then the kind of 'sticky' truth we are referring to is something else! Then the kind of gospel truth (Logos, Jesus Christ) is something else. Then the truth of Chess is something else :)
  • Technology and Shamanism are naturally symbiotic, with both feeding the other
    Wow. Thanks for embedding the link. That's really lovely.
  • Technology and Shamanism are naturally symbiotic, with both feeding the other
    Here (Netherlands) we call that music style 'trance' or 'trance music'. If find the song 'Sandstorm' by Darude a good example. Still very enjoyable on YouTube today! :D
  • Technology and Shamanism are naturally symbiotic, with both feeding the other
    To connect to other lifeforms on Earth than just humans. To share that bond of love with others. To show that we don't have to be afraid of life.
  • Technology and Shamanism are naturally symbiotic, with both feeding the other
    That sounds nice. I don't know what its implications are though. Is this oneness purely a positive thing? Or are there neutral or negative aspects to it as well?
  • What is truth?
    So, I've read most if not all of your comments. Thank you for interacting & communicating.

    To me, it seems that truth is a human phenomenon. It is something created by human brains and therefore linked to human experiences. Without humans no truth.

    Any thoughts?
  • What is truth?
    Hey everyone. Thanks for the many responds! A lot of food for thought. :) Please feel free to keep commenting and responding. In the mean time I will be pondering. :) Blessings to you.
  • Technology and Shamanism are naturally symbiotic, with both feeding the other
    Thank you Bret Bernhoft.

    Then how can one human (so small compared to the Earth), become one with the Earth (so small compared to Existence). Then what is this fundamental element of one-ness or connectedness?
  • Technology and Shamanism are naturally symbiotic, with both feeding the other
    So technology has advanced to the degree that humans can travel outside Earth into space, albeit a short time and distance. We are pioneering the Wholeall, a translation of the Dutch word 'heelal' which means cosmos or universe. At least pioneering for Earthlings, cause I'm sure others have done so before us.

    Shamanism and related disciplines claim to invoke states of 'oneness-with-all'. That must be some sort of a delusion. We are not capable of experiencing all thoughts & emotions of all humans on Earth all-at-once. That would be a brain short-circuit.

    No, I believe that these transcendental states allow us to be more open to enlightened states of being. Perhaps states of being that are more common elsewhere in Existence, outside Earth.

    Technologies allow us to create artificial drugs. Nature is flawed for sure, marihuana can only take you so far. Who knows where we will venture within our imaginations. :)
  • Guest Speaker: Noam Chomsky
    My God, compliments to the people who run The Philosophy Forum. This is absolutely astonishing!

    My question: How are we going to regulate Earth in a functional way?
  • Paradox about Karma and Reincarnation
    I think the definitions of karma and reïncarnation need to be explained here. These are not scientific terms. They are widely open for interpretation. Thank you!