Is there a reason why we are here? I have studied religions, faith, the body and the mind for decades. The way I see it, if there is a God and we have only one chance, and it effects our soul (assuming one has a soul) for eternity then it would be the most important thing to get right. When I say I studied, I mean obsessively, not out of fear, out of curiosity. There has been no stone unturned. The problem that people have with religion have less to do with theology and more to do with its members/followers. The Bible isn’t wrong, it’s poorly translated based on preconceptions. The word elohim, translated as God actually means gods (or heavenly beings) The word Jehovah is translated as Lord, in the Old Testament. If you actually read what Genesis says is that everything was created/engineered by heavenly beings. Jehovah is the Leader. Humans were designed to be workers, made in their image, humanoid. They are all physical. That’s why they walked and talked with Him on several occasions. This is also why they can make hybrids as in Genesis 6, “sons of gods/Elohim, mated with the daughters of men and had children, the men of renown.” The stories of Greek gods and heroes are also in the Bible. They just couldn’t expand on it because when you are trying to sell monotheism, you can’t muddy it up with other superior beings. However, that’s exactly what it states happened preflood. What people mix up is that there is also the Spirit of God. This is the lifeforce, the frequency, or music that Michio Kaku is describing in his string theory equation. This is as describable as a red blood cell would describe our soul. We are all part of a big “machine/body”. Jehovah is the brain and hypothalamus physically dispatching impulses and hormones, to achieve balance/homeostasis. Because humans were tampered with, like a cell may be tampered with, we no longer obey the proper protocol for that we were created. Like cancerous cells we just multiply and consume, apart from any higher purpose. Like cancer the imbalance effects surrounding tissue/Earth. This is the curse/fall that we were born into. Jehovah sent Yeshua/Jesus to direct us back on track and to reconnect us with Jehovah/Brain and ultimately join the “song/frequency/Spirit of God”. The apocalypse coming is going to be like radiation and chemotherapy. It’s not a heartless God who destroys us for being naughty. He’s a doctor delivering medicine. He provided a way to be cured. The reconnecting is also known as born again, spiritual birth and enlightenment. It just means you become receptive to the music of the universe.