
  • Humans may be the most "unwanted" lifeform in the kingdom of life
    If all the insects were to disappear from the earth, within 50 years all life on earth would end. If all human beings disappeared from the earth, within 50 years all forms of life would flourish. — Jonas Salk
  • Currently Reading
    Just finished Locke's Essay for a second time. Majestic and a true classic. I will forever be a fan.Manuel

    I've just started reading that!
  • Should humanity be unified under a single government?
    It was never proposed as anything but a tool.Vera Mont

    AI is a tool and will most likely always be a tool as it will be able to provide the most optimal solution, but it won't be able to weigh the consequences of the actions that are to be carried out. Humans, additionally, will always question AI's decisions and selectively enact those which are deemed as the most beneficial to the world, while disregarding the solutions that cause suffering - namely AI's proposals that go against what humans believe is right. Humans might argue that AI cannot be programmed to have morals, and therefore it's solutions will never be right for people.
  • Should humanity be unified under a single government?
    @Vera Mont
    I agree that your proposed system might increase efficiency and cooperation in addressing global issues such as poverty, climate change, and war. However I believe that a single government will eventually infringe upon individual rights and cultural diversity. It's omniscience, combined with the nature of the humans that run it, will eventually lead the system to instability.
  • Should humanity be unified under a single government?
    Let's say such a universal government exists - namely a global communist regime. The relation between this government and the people is the same as the relation between a small communist government and a small village. Each individual nation is similar to each person in a communist community. Each nation requires different amounts of resources to keep running, similar to how each person has different needs. And we know from experience that communism doesn't work on a national scale, so why should it on a global scale?