
  • Getting to Center. Meditation. God.
    I see it differently, I question this whole system, the meditation and gaining higher consciousness, this all seems like a software installed in an hardware, no matter how much a homo sapiens of contemporary intelligence would think but it would not be able to unlock what is locked, I said lock because, let me ask you a question "If Nothing then what" .. Imagine this, feel this deeply, and repeat this question and focus on it inside your mind, your mind will start bursting, especially your reptilian part of your brain, and that is where the actual journey starts, those who gets enlightenment are the ones who continued to focus on that infinite loop without losing focus, and those who are liberated gets salvation are those who broke that lock but as soon as a homo sapiens gains such higher consciousness it leaves his body, In India they call it "Samadhi" it is not death, or veedo, or psychogenic shock, it is considered as merger of one own consciousness with higher consciousness (You can call it GOD) and if I can explain it in other words, it's unlocking the lock of prior to Big Bang or what started the big bang, it is almost like leaving material behind and getting inside the concious state (but without memory) that means, the (I) would cease to exist as what I was is the brain's mind, which was nothing but the accumulation of food from earth (the body) and mind was the impression of society and what brain has learnt, but the consciousness was the reflection of that intelligence, which is now gone, while shutting off the intelligence which was creating that consciousness.
  • Why is the Hard Problem of Consciousness so hard?
    Consciousness :

    It's nothing but a reflection of intelligence, as much intelligence is there that much consciousness can be seen, for example a plant, a dog they both are conscious, and the human being (homo sapiens) are the highest tool of that intelligence who gain that much intelligence during the course of evolution that their consciousness reflects onto itself and say "Who Am I", Intelligence is everywhere, from the RNA to Human, from a carbon atom, nucleus to a mountain or in the nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms in sun, that's why we say, our planet is concious itself and we are the highest state of consciousness for now, we can access higher stages of consciousness through self reflection and can be vertically evolved, or we can wait for another 1000+ years so that human intelligence increases and so is the level of their consciousness, but witnessing the contemporary reality, I personally feel homo sapiens would try to evolve horizontally as cyborgs, increasing their capabilities through AI, that would take them away from the actual gateway of knowing the reality and they would be more entangled in material world, they can only realise true consciousness when their bodies and they themselves remain pure to access true consciousness, but are they ready for that?