
  • Cryptocurrency
    I couldn't read all comments, but I've seen those who are totally pleased with cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin. And there are lots of them, and a huge analyzing system.
    I think it's opening door for future trading system. Good idea. Paper money buys nothing. I do welcome that, but couldn't risk yet. lol
  • Thought: Conscious or Unconscious activity?
    You meant subconscious mind?bahman

  • Thought: Conscious or Unconscious activity?
    Well, can I say that imagination is one of duty of conscious mind?bahman

    I don't think so. I think it's more probable to take place in subconscious awareness.

    What do you mean with the universal in here? We sometimes misunderstand the message of a sentence sometimes.bahman

    Universal, as Chomsky noted.
  • How much can I, as an individual, affect political policy?

    Right. All ppl can do nowadays is to change themselves in a way not to rely on the governments any more. It's not right to expect anything from a system which hardly matches with your ideas..
    However, societies are changing. Ppl are gathering in their own communities with their own ideologies.
    It's time not to let others think instead of us. It's hard, but, at least, peaceful.
  • Thought: Conscious or Unconscious activity?
    To me imagination is duty of conscious mindbahman
    What is imagination, you think? I cannot agree with you.
    "The term imagination comes from the latin verb imaginari meaning 'to picture oneself'."
    "The conscious mind includes such things as the sensations, perceptions, memories, feeling and fantasies inside of our current awareness."
    Imagination is something beyond sensation. Sometimes, just a vision comes to make you aware of something.

    In the second case the content of sentence should be understandable for the second person so we need to imagine whether the sentence can convey the content of our mind. That is where conscious mind comes to play, imagination.bahman
    I don't think it's like that! What you said has been analyzed in linguistics and psycholinguistics. The communication and the transfer of the meaning between the two minds is somehow universal. We do it subconsciously.
  • Thought: Conscious or Unconscious activity?
    Can be both!! No, again I don't agree to the main idea of your discussion, Bahman..
    You think it's unconscious!? That's all? Prove it with scientific data if there's any, plz.
  • Paradox of the beginning
    it's of course real. But the world must be different beyond it.
  • Philosophy Websites

    This is it. Thank you. 8-)
  • Philosophy Websites
    Hey, people, stop fighting!
    How do you find Project Syndicate and Aeon?
    I sometimes read the articles.
  • Paradox of the beginning

    What is the beginning? It only exists in humans' minds. Time, as Haramein suggests, is only a memory. What doesn't exists in our collective mind, seems a paradox!
    It's not like that.
  • Philosophy Websites

    Michael, I wanna translate articles. I'm already on the forum. Come on!
  • Migration

    I mean the nations should be governed not only by politics but by science and economic science..
    I doubt if any "culture logic" exists. Pure logic is free from any relative values, whether it be culture or religion or whatever. "Culture logic" is just a pretext to act biasedly.
  • Migration

    Hmm, the solution lays in economic ideas and sciences. I think politics could never provide the nations with true developmental steps. It's based on relative values. Politicians should always be accompanied with philosophers, since they alone can do nothing without pure reason and logic.
    What we need is scientific outlook towards the current issues. We can no longer "comment" and "criticize".. That's why problems are getting more serious!
  • Migration

    I don't say yes or no. What you said was the reality we face now. All it shows is a huge discrimination between people, since some are poor and rejected due to the place they live. Geography rules?
    And the solution is to accept the destiny, since they have no political power in between. It's so sad. It's not just.
    This disagreement leads to war, no way. But there should be a way, man!
  • Migration

    The difference is that we people take everything so serious and personal. The way I did! LOL.
  • Migration

    Anyway, it's what we come to at the end. Right.
  • Migration

    There have been lots of potentialities to live in another country. But waiting and thinking about this BS* made me waste my time.. But I do agree.
  • Nothing is intrinsically morally wrong

    I think it's not the matter of morality being objective or subjective. It's the matter of "logic". We, as human beings, are brought up together with the power of logic which has resulted in our development, science, etc. In between, most people have gone astray and made up concepts and regarded them values which are nonsense. Morality in most cases is the same.
    We still need pure logic for our decisions. We need philosophy and we have to teach children to ask themselves "why". It depends what we are considering as moral.
    And about environment, it is the place we are living. Logic says do no harm to your home if you are looking for a good future. That's simple.
  • Migration

    Actually, what made me to start the discussion is my own situation living in a region where there is no freedom and economic status is so weak that I can see no future for the hardworking people...
    It has been years that I'm thinking, damn, it may not be moral! I may be responsible in this land. If I wanna move to somewhere better so all the people around the globe would see the same right to move ahead, then when should the prosperous lands develop in this world? By this act, we are leaving all the power to corrupted governments...
    It's a dilemma! I'm just asking what to do, seems most the people's lives do not matter for world powers. Die here or leave. And then when you leave, you are facing those who 'may' treat you as a burden!
    Am I wrong?
  • Migration
    Migration may be because of money and currencies! At least, monetary system has changed natural environments and resources...
  • Migration

    Agree. It shows how humans shifted from pure responsible individualism to pre set standardized socialization. And now we are baffled in between..
  • Migration

    I think it may be due to "normal life standards" to think like that. Still, I'm not for or against it...
  • Against All Nihilism and Antinatalism

    I think, in such a case, one should first 'define' [goodness]. My idea is that there are different experiences and lots of challenges. What makes you happy may make another person sad.. It's just about the feelings and life goal. And in comparison with this, one comes to define everything as "good" or "bad". Nothing is essentially and definitely good or bad.
  • Experiencing of experience

    I think the difference is being aware of the input data, that's why they call it unconsciousness. You become aware of it when it comes to the surface. But both are playing parts in human's acts and decisions.
    I don't see why you consider a "difficulty" in between! Anyway.
  • Experiencing of experience

    We just are conscious of them when we communicate.
    I don't agree. You mean no communication, no consciousness?
  • Experiencing of experience

    Are you saying that these are all physical state resulted from neurons activity? I would agree with you in this sense otherwise you need to be more specific about what do you mean with same.
    Yes, somehow. I do still think that there are unknown parts we have no idea...

    No. I think experience exists when conscious mind gets involved.
    I don't actually see any difference between what we both said! Yep, it's conscious, selective and subjective process.
  • Experiencing of experience

    Experience, memory, data and the whole idea of oneself all are the same. Experience exists for you as far as your brain processes the information and keeps the necessary parts in short-term or long-term memory due to its practicality!
    About materialism, I don't specifically believe in it, actually!
  • Experiencing of experience
    I think there should be first some definitions of the concept you've brought up! What is experience?
    According to Britannica, "According to one modern version of the assumption, developed by the 17th-century philosopher René Descartes, all experience is subjective, an exclusively mental phenomenon that cannot provide evidence of the existence or the nature of the physical world, the “matter” of which is ultimately nothing more than changeless extension in motion."
    One can deduce anything from what's going on around.
    I somehow agree with Bitter Crank. Yes, it's like observing oneself from above. Imagine you are talking with someone, and at the same time your attention goes to a higher level in a way you can see yourself and the other person from another perspective, so that it may help you in the way you respond and react.
    And experiencing something inevitably puts in data in our memory, so that we can analyze it and point out something useful for future.. One can simultaneously experience something and also analyze its data. it depend on where the attention is focused.
  • Philosophy Podcasts
    Hi everybody,
    Philosophy Bites is a podcast I found really interesting. I hope you also enjoy it.
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