I don't see why not. If idealism is correct, the reality the minds are thinking up that we take to be physical has consistent properties, rules, etc. No reason LD couldn't know all there is to know about all those properties, rules, etc., regardless of their true nature.I agree. I guess where I was headed is that an idealist can also be a determinist. LD can be revised to know everything about a universe that is essentially mind. — frank
That, I believe, is the point of LD. Maybe? If all is deterministic, then numbers and information, and consciousness and intent, are irrelevant. It can all be reduced to particle physics, just as thermodynamics can. I suppose it would know why brain states also feel like mental states to us. But if "feel like" is all there is, but they have no casual power, and are, themselves, determined by the physical events, then it doesn't matter. Itt doesn't interfere with the calculations.That's if you limit LD to so-called physical events, which automatically excludes non-physical things like numbers and mental states. We could imagine an LD that has knowledge of the non-physical stuff, right? — frank
I believe this is saying that LD knows everything about everything IF everything about everything is deterministic. That, I believe, is the point of Laplace's thought experiment.We may regard the present state of the universe as the effect of its past and the cause of its future. An intellect which at a certain moment would know all forces that set nature in motion, and all positions of all items of which nature is composed, if this intellect were also vast enough to submit these data to analysis, it would embrace in a single formula the movements of the greatest bodies of the universe and those of the tiniest atom; for such an intellect nothing would be uncertain and the future just like the past would be present before its eyes. — Laplace
I don't know how LD would deal with quantum events. I suppose it's possible that it would understand why things happen randomly, uncertainly, and, to it, the events would not be random and uncertain. If half the atoms of plutonium are going to decay in 81 million years, maybe it knows which half, and maybe even which one at which moment. I have no idea. But I am certainly willing to stipulate that for the sake of argument.Chalmers adapted LD to accommodate quantum physics by just making it open ended. In other words, the demon knows how events unfold, however that may be (I think that's what he meant anyway). So couldn't we have an LD that know mental states and however it is they evolve? — frank
Right. if there is free will. If everything we think, feel, and do is not determined solely by progressions of arrangements of all the constituent parts of our brains, which change from one arrangement to the next because of the ways the laws of physics act upon them.Not determined in the same way? — frank
Yes, that's the question. Knowing where every particle in the universe is, and what each is doing, would LD be able to calculate exactly what we were going to do, think, and feel at any point in the future? Or would it say, "I don't know, because there is something going on in conscious beings that is not determined in the same ways everything that is not conscious can be determined."Well sure we cannot know it.But the really question is,could Laplace's Demon know it indeed? — dimosthenis9
I agree. If there is no free will (however anyone wants to define that), and we all do what we do only because that's how the billion bouncing billiard balls in our heads landed, then, yes, the knowledge that we will be punished if caught also becomes part of the bouncing.Knowledge that one will be held accountable may very well result in better behavior than would be the case if no accountability were expected. — Relativist
Thanks. And yeah, he's awful funny. Lol.Am I correctly understanding what he's saying?
— Patterner
I think so. Great analogy. (And your quote was hilarious!) — Relativist
Certainly, the physical interactions taking place among the components of our brains are more complex than those taking place among the molecules of air in a room, among the robots parts and programming, and maybe even among the components of anything else in the universe. Still, our minds are the product of nothing but physical interactions. What is the value of our sense of self if it can do nothing other than move from one arrangement of its constituent parts to the next, as the laws of physics require? Even wondering about the value of itself is nothing but the progression of arrangements, as determined by the laws of physics. One person's thought that there is value in the self, and another person's that there is not, are, ultimately, both the result of the properties of particles and the forces that act upon them.In what way is this robot less a casual agent, affecting the world less, less of a "self" than we are?
— Patterner
It is a causal agent, but lacks a mind. Our minds mediate our actions, and provides our sense of self. — Relativist
I can. Because the future isn't something that exists in the present. Something can only change if it exists. My television can be on channel 2, and I can change it to channel 4.You can say 'how do you know it isn't determined?', but you can't say with any accuracy that plans don't change the future. — Barkon
Yes, I believe the opposition is saying that. However, I don't think they are saying the force that is controlling us is doing so with intent, thought, or purpose. I think they are saying it's the laws of physics, or physicalism, or whatever the best term is now.Basically it's being suggested by the opposition that if we make a plan, it's not us, but some universal force controlling us to make a plan, and thus, no will is involved. — Barkon
I fear I'm not going to get too much out of the book.Endogenous attentional binding/tracking is realized in cholinergic/noncholinergic bursts sent from the basal forebrain and other areas that trigger a transition from tonic to phasic processing in pyramidal circuits from retinotopic areas up to anterior inferotemporal cortex and hippocampus, facilitating recognition. — Tse
Importantly, thermodynamics did more than merely establish that mean kinetic energy correlated with temperature—it proposed that this is what temperature actually is. — Seth
Indeed. There is no such thing as a future that "really will" or "is supposed to" happen. We only have what comes to be. Planning to do something is not establishing a future state, and changing that plan is not changing the future.I think this is the main problem here when we start from the logical premiss of "the future is what really will happen".
To change the future assumes a variety of "possible futures" that then don't happen, through our actions. Which goes against the definition that the future is what really will happen. — ssu
What if we build a robot that does various things under various conditions. When it's optic sensors detect something of a certain size range coming into the room, it sprays that thing with water. When its auditory sensors detect sounds within a certain frequency range, it opens a can of cat food and puts it in the dish on the floor. We can go on and on, programming it to compare different sensory input, having it act on only one in some cases, act on multiple in other cases, modify a typical action under shine circumstances, as complex as we can manage.Even though mental states are the product of neural processes, it's still the case that there is mental causation. So your thoughts and feelings actually do affect the world in a unique way. The 'self' is your consciousness; a "machine" that develops intentions and acts upon them. You are caused to be what you are, but you were not caused through prior intent (not entirely). — Relativist
I don't think "you" exist apart from your physical body, but you do have a mental life. IMO, agential control is not an illusion if mental causation exists. It certainly seems like we have it, and it can be accounted for with purely physical processes (Peter Tse provides such an account in his book, "The Neural Basis of Free Will"). — Relativist
I have started the book a couple times. I'll try again. But I can't find it in me to be overly hopeful that Tse provides an account of how mental causation exists, Relativist, when he begins the book by saying:I tried to read Tse's book about fifteen years ago, but I have to admit I found it unconvincing (assuming that I understood it). — Janus
§0.4 The deepest problems have yet to be solved. We do not understand the neural code. We do not understand how mental events can be causal. We do not understand how consciousness can be realized in physical neuronal activity. — Tse
What is an example of changing the future directly?I'm asserting that if we aim to change course, i.e. switch the mode we're in (what we're doing right now) it changes the future indirectly. — Barkon
Sure. If we could measure EVERYTHING. In theory, we could tell how the coin would land if we had all of the variables at the instant it lost contact with your hand. The question is whether or not the instant it leaves your hand is as knowable, in theory.(I had a debate earlier which a person asserted a coin flip is in fact not random as, much like your rock example, could in theory be measured by force, friction, etc.) — Outlander
It seems odd enough that beings of a certain nature would come up with the idea of a reality that was of a nature unlike anything they had or could ever experience. Odder still that they would only ever see themselves as inhabiting that reality, and, indeed, being of that nature themselves. That doesn't seem like less of a problem than anything I can think of. :grin: I'll stick with proto-consciousness.Idealism is going to have to posit that for some reason, we're all dreaming of a reality where matter seems to exist. This, to me, seems like less of a problem than the Hard Problem. — RogueAI
Yes, for things I haven't even noticed yet. But I think an explanation is needed if I am in a place I've never been, write a list of what I see, and another person in the same situation puts the same things on their list.That's a far stronger argument for mind independent stuff. It doesn't refute solipsism since there aren't other minds also agreeing on the rock that you haven't even noticed yet. But similar arguments can be used to refute solipsism. — noAxioms
I don't know enough about this. Is the idea that the many minds/consciousnesses all think up the same things that we generally take to be mind-independent stuff?Why is the burden of proof on me? We know mind and consciousness exist. The existence of mind-independent stuff is simply asserted. I would like to see a proof that this stuff exists. Something a little more robust than "go kick a rock". — RogueAI
I do love me some Bartók! And it doesn't get more arid than Arrakis and Raraku!It's because I'm atonal, mixing with an arid humor. — ENOAH
I told ENOAH the same thing not long ago.We once again see the exact same thing, from such opposite directions, in such contrasting words, but overlapping precisely in other moments. — Fire Ologist
Practicing a religion could gain you nothing, and could be seen as a waste of every moment spent practicing it.Practicing a religion could gain you divine favor in the afterlife. — Scarecow
It could if gods exist that reward us for reasons other than practicing any, or a particular, religion.However, atheism couldn't possibly gain you any divine favor, — Scarecow
How did this situation come to be? For millennia, people were entirely fooled into thinking they had free will. I don't know when someone first came up with the concept of free will, but, since there wouldn't have been any thought that we don't have it, the idea that we do wouldn't have been floating around. A yin/yang idea. So it was a given that we are responsible for our actions, without even questioning it. And people were punished for bad actions.I disagree because this sense of responsibility is a part of our mechanism, and contributes to our choices. — Relativist
What a surprising response! :grin: I probably know as close to nothing about poker as is possible. I hadn't thought I was suited to it in any way. Now I wonder...Genuinely - get into poker. Getting 'in the tank' is a common thing and the reason some tournaments take a week to play out. Decisions are long, arduous processes in poker. Think you'll enjoy. — AmadeusD
An extremely important point. A few scenarios come to mind.Yes, determinism doesn't necessarily prevent me from feeling pleasure or having meaning, but it also doesn't give me any say in the matter.
— QuixoticAgnostic
Does indeterminism? It wouldn't seem so to me. — flannel jesus
That's very well said. The question is: Why does it seem there is a being in the mechanistic process? IOW, the Hard Problem. Why do these physical processes have this seeming if they are nothing but physical processes, when these other physical processes don't? And if there is no being present, then to what does the seeming seem to be?We don't doubt the mechanistic independence of breathing because it is obvious. We doubt the mechanistic dynamics of choosing because, built-into (evolved) that process is the placement of the Subject "I." Hence "I am deliberating," seems like there is a being at the center of the mechanistic process pulling the strings at its will. I say there is not — ENOAH
Right. And ChatGPT is the program. And Deep Blue is the program.I agree that the process is, in one sense, programmed, but you are the program. — Relativist
I agree. But that's another conversation entirely.There's also a sense in which you aren't programmed: you aren't the product of design. You weren't built in order to perform the functions you execute. — Relativist
But you don't get to "give meaning to the factors" if it's all deterministic. Your genetic makeup, experiences, etc., give everything meaning to the group of cells referred to as Relativist. Then, when you are in a situation where different directions are taken by different people, the meaning that all those factors have determined you have determine which direction you take.And your choices aren't meaningless. You give meaning to the factors, and those meanings influence the choice. The person who chooses to keep the money you drop is doing so because of what money means to him. — Relativist
If it really is the case that everything that happens couldn’t help but happen and people’s choices aren’t truly free, then those who believe life is meaningless and morality doesn't exist have no choice but to believe that. And nobody has any choice but to live their lives as they do in response to that.Whenever the hard determinist view is brought up in online discussions there is almost always someone that says no free will or genuine moral responsibility logically entails fatalism and nihilism. If everything that happens couldn’t help but happen and people’s choices aren’t truly free then somehow life is meaningless and morality doesn’t exist. — Captain Homicide