
  • Climate change denial
    Yes. In the long run you are correct. But first the Earth needs a serious cleansing. I welcome it.
  • Climate change denial
    Must you behave like a child?
  • Climate change denial
    No. Not exactly. I am truly afraid. Everything has changed. America is in serious decline and those few who care are openly scorned, or worse, if they speak up. Our children are being violated in every way possible yet we can't seem to do anything about it. If we complain too much we risk a visit by federal police. Can it be true that all three of the branches of our government are now harbors of deceit where honor is a lost quality? It certainly seems so.

    Globalism has been around for a long time. It's quickened it's pace though. Mass, instant communications, the entire planet being a "local call" through live streaming has enabled the Gobbels of our day to out do themselves in their efforts to influence popular thought. As a result we are reduced to a need to join one camp or the other. Those of us who remain neutral while trying to speak in rational terms become social outcasts.

    None of this has happened before in my lifetime. None of it.

    Let me here say something quite controversial. As bad as Hitler was in his treatment of Jews and others who dared to speak against him, the man was capable of profound insights. These are revealed in his signature work, Mein Kampf. He foresaw the threat of globalism in the form of communist thought.

    In the recent history of the world, no form of government has resulted in more deaths than communism. In every land that it touches, millions perish through civil strife or as a result of mass incarceration. One thing that globalism is very good at is forcing people to obey.... or else. This is a hallmark trait of communism.

    Is this really the world we want to live in?

    Never in my time have I seen anything even close to this rapidly unfolding drama which is so threatening. We can no longer even trust our electoral process.

    I am afraid that we will lose...
  • Climate change denial
    Are we going to have a contest to see which of us can out insult the other? Is this the price I pay for not agreeing with convention? In a woke world this is certainly true but I also refuse to be a part of that insanity.

    Unlike you I have zero interest in convincing anyone of anything. I simply state my opinions. But look at the results? For merely speaking of my beliefs I am subjected to scorn by you.

    Climate change is not a matter of beliefs. It's here. I simply say it's a part of the natural cycle of the planet. For that I am ridiculed and cast out of society? Isn't there some little bit of maturity inside of you, somewhere? Why can't you accept that each of us has the right to our own opinions without being trashed through mindless arguments?

    "My climate change scientist can beat up your climate change scientist." What drivel!!!
  • Climate change denial
    Junior scientist? And you, of course, are a senior scientist? Is that the way we treat each other for just expressing opinions? Not really very mature.

    I this retired electrical engineer does believe that the Earth system is cyclic in many ways. Several of these, in their normal movements, affect the atmosphere which, in turn, causes changes.

    We humans are a fear based species. We're followers. We are given suggestions and off we go yelling and screaming in the streets. The world is ending. The world is ending. No. I don't buy into the hype. Sure the climate is changing. I disagree about the causes though. I refuse to be sent on a guilt trip over it by the great masses of unschooled lemmings.

    I have been toying with solar systems for more than 50 years now, since I was in my peak employment age years. I like using the sun and wind too to enhance my method of living. This is nothing at all to do with fear of climate change. It's about being closer to energy independence. I am not a follower. I walk my own paths in life. I will never be told what to think or do. Never.

    I notice in your reply you use all the standard phrases and slogans. Without carbon dioxide our planet would dry up and become a dead rock. But, but, but.... we frantically rave on about the threat it poses to our world. Horsefeathers!!!!
  • Should humanity be unified under a single government?
    Our judgment? We sat on our hands and allowed it to be taken away. Now we're stuck with the results and if we try to do anything about it we are loudly scorned by the fools we elected or the fools they appointed and by those of us who are sworn to protect and serve.

    Sometimes I wonder if we are all suffering from some kind of mass hypnosis.
  • About Freedom of Choice

    I find no disagreement with your statement. It's easier to understand when one injects relativity into the discussion but that can work both ways. In any case the single most important thing is to have a more realistic understand of what, exactly, eternity is. Most folks do not.
  • Climate change denial
    The trouble with the climate change debate is not any science besides social science. Human beings, like animals, form tribes. In each tribe a set of conditions exist. People gravitate to one or another based on how they feel and what they believe.

    Look at our congress. Tribes!!!! Each side swearing they are correct and the other are wrong. What science, I ask, can make this emotional non-thinking go away?

    In climate change it's the same way. Each side claims to have the science on their side. Even the most careless application of logic will show that this can't be correct. But instead of working together to resolve the issues we fight, fight, fight... calling out the other side. You're an idiot. He or she is an idiot. No. You people are climate deniers.

    We humans deserve exactly what we now have and that is our fault. All of us are to blame.

    I'm in my eighties now. I won't have to be here much longer to see the world go to hell in a hand basket just because emotionalism modifies science.
  • Climate change denial

    We seem to be suffering through a time when using insults is almost a knee jerk, default tactic. How casually you call another an idiot. please stop doing this. Grow up a bit. Use words that convey real concerns. Leave the food fights for the children.
  • Climate change denial
    You liberals would be lost without the word "deny" to throw at people. I do not "deny" science at all. I simply disagree as do many others about conclusions made. And the reason is simple... Whenever human beings are involved there are always differing opinions. If you know anything about science you will know that scientists seldom agree on anything.

    No. I suggest to you that just because you say it's settled does not mean it is. So easy to toss out a slogan and then sit back with arms folded. Sorry. The science of climate change causes is still far from being settled regardless of the claims that you make.

    In any case does it matter if you and I don't agree? Not in the slightest.

    Meanwhile I do my bit. I have solar panels for lighting and computers in my home. I also designed and built a large solar water heater on a platform. I use it to pre-heat water as it enters the electric water heater. This was my own idea. It works great and my electric bill is down by more than $80 a month even in the winter. I have more than 65 years of experience in the broad area of electrical engineering field. I haven't time for brain dead college professors who rant and rave over things they know nothing about.

    I don't need scientists to lead the way. This is another thing that we conservatives are good at.

    Thanks for the comment.
  • Climate change denial
    Decades ago I read about the traditional wine growing regions of Europe moving northward because of slowly changing seasonal variations. Then we found that fine wines were being produced in England. This is a part of climate change??? Probably.

    If our world heats up just a bit more then the northern lands will be available for agriculture. They haven't been since the crustal shift of 12,000 years ago. This will be a renewal. Kind of like crop rotation. Or the farming practice of letting a field go to nature for a couple of seasons so that it can be renewed through natural growth and animal life.

    It's true that if the sea levels rise there will be major populations migrating. But more will now be able to live comfortably in the far north. And the northern, Arctic seas will be free of ice and navigable for a change.

    Humanity will find a way to deal with it. My major complaint and the thing that we conservatives fight against is the threat of living in authoritarian societies as a result of it. Those are never good.

    But why am I worried. I remember the hype over Y2K. The world was going to end because computers would crash. Yeah sure!!! All the same voices that were yelling about that supposed event are now at it again over climate change. Meanwhile real, thinking people, sit quietly knowing that the fires of beserkness will eventually burn low.

    In my next lifetime I will be born to the Martian colony. There, we will survive by cooperating, not arguing. How nice it will be.
  • Climate change denial
    OK so since China is making wind farms and solar panels they can be forgiven for all their polluting activities?

    I don't believe that climate change is a threat at all. My opinion is that all this hype is just another game being played by the big boys with all the money.

    Here is my opinion about our future. Earth changes are natural and normal. It's OK to discuss them but it's not OK to run around like chickens with no heads going berserk over who to blame. This is not the road that mature human beings would waste their time with. It is the lower road taken by the emotional masses who believe whatever they're told to believe.

    With proper leadership our country can overcome anything. Right now we have bad leadership. This is the reason there is so much social strife. When Trump returns to the Oval office the buck will stop at his desk. He will actually do something. How refreshing that will be.
  • Climate change denial
    Yes well the problem is that people seldom agree on which facts are correct. We all know that a good wordsmith can craft a fact to fit a desire. Can a bunch of liberals and a bunch of conservatives get together and find some kind of agreement about the true causes of climate change? It'd be nice if that could happen. But for each side to simply sling their opinions or which facts are real back and forth accomplishes nothing.

    First we have to agree, really agree, not that climate change exists because it does.. we have to agree about the causes. Until this happens I choose to believe that climate change is not caused by human activity.

    One scientific school has declared that the cycles of the sun as combined with those of the Earth's rotational and orbital eccentricities are to blame. Are there any liberals willing to take a serious look at this? Be nice if their were.

    Thanks for the comment... It's funny. We are living in a threat of global communism and we can't find anything better to do than to argue about climate change.
  • Climate change denial
    I, and most others who argue about climate change are mis-understood. Sure... it's real. It's happening. We just don't happen to think it is the fault of human beings. The climate is always in a state of change and has been since it first appeared on this planet.

    There is a lot of emotional satisfaction in the idea of having something to blame. This is where we humans are so foolish.

    Here's a little factoid for the Greta fans who might be reading. When a large composite volcano pops it's cork such as the one at Krakatoa. More greenhouse gasses are released in that event than all produced inthe entirety ot human activities on this planet.

    Here's another interesting tidbit. Someone please tell me why the climate change advocates set their sights on western countries where white people are with their complaints while steadfastly ignoring the oriental offenders? North Korea might well have the foulest air on the planet but the greenies never mention them. China is reported to be building new coal fired power plants all the time but no complaint is ever aimed at China. Why not?

    You see? It's political.

    When I read about American college kids complaining about the pollution generated by China and North Korea I'll change my tune. Until them I am convinced it's all no more than anti-white posturing.

    But... thanks for moving my thread. I didn't even know about the other location.
  • Climate change denial
    No. Let's just say that it's a jab at those who believe that we humans are to blame for climate change. We are not. We are recent arrivals on this planet. Climate change predates us by a very long time. I am aware of the vast numbers of college boys and girls (there are but two genders) who think otherwise. What are they to think when, after all, they get the idea thrown at them all the time by people who thrive on sensationalism.

    If you can't take a little heat then stay out of the kitchen.
  • Climate change denial
    OK. I believe you.
  • Climate change denial
    Methane is produced in the gut, not in the stomach.
  • About Freedom of Choice
    It is analogous to the speed of sound. Sound travels faster through solid matter and slower in the upper atmosphere and not at all in space.

    Time is faster here on Earth and slows as we ascend through the heavens. I would say do not think this means angels move faster. Here is a better statement.

    Eternity is not the endless progression of time. Eternity is a state of being wherein there is no time at all. This condition exists only in the highest of the spiritual planes, those that existed before the creation. This... is where we find God. God is timeless because God's realm is free of time.
  • Should humanity be unified under a single government?
    Good luck indeed. But everything in life is cyclic. When our present lower path is exhausted a change will be made. Then our society will shuck off the foolishness and return to higher ideals.

    Some ask "if there are advanced people on the planet why aren't they in positions of authority? Why do they stay hidden? The answer is that by occasionally selecting the less capable we become burdened with the consequences. Overcoming these... is where true advancement comes from.

    If a great spiritual master soul were elected president we would be able to rest and relax for a while, heal our wounds. But... we would have lost the opportunities to gain wisdom that conflict brings to us.

    The spiritual Law of Harmony through Conflict applies.
  • Should humanity be unified under a single government?
    Thanks but I don't call what we have now an existential threat. I call it a leadership crisis. We allow ourselves to be led by fools.
  • Why Monism?
    I do not understand what you mean by using the word "ground". But no matter. Regarding deities their are many. The ultimate creator is of and resides on a spiritual plane which pre-dates and is above the created physical and lower spiritual universe. Stars, when mature and after they are designated by authority are the physical manifestations of lesser Gods. Our star, sol, is one of these so called sacred ones. A god really does inhabit our star. The responsibility of this god is to maintain, guide the entirety of our solar system.

    The above is or was well known to the ancients who ruled this Earth long before the advent of both Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

    The idea of god is not so simple as we are led to believe... The ancients knew more than we, today, about the organization of the Earth's heavens.

    As usual, Christianity is behind the curve. They are the last ones to be enlightened. One can only wonder why.
  • Should humanity be unified under a single government?
    The time will come when mankind will welcome and thrive under a single world government but it is not now. We are, as yet, too immature, too spiritually immature, for such a thing to work.

    Human beings are self centered. We want things. Sometimes we take what we can get in legal ways. We like to tell others what to think, what to say and how to say it. In religion we very often make attempts to shove our beliefs down the throats of others who may not be interested. We demand things.

    Well... the above is pretty harsh. When we are in good moods and feeling gregarious, we will be giving and thoughtful but this never lasts. Personal gain sooner or later will enter the picture. Life on this little planet is a struggle. Everything is money, money, money. To secure our futures we need power. OK maybe not personal power but group power. Nationalism will usually provide security for citizens but at what cost?

    When the day comes when human beings no longer care about besting anyone else then we might be ready for a single government. in the meanwhile no single authority can answer the needs of all the different schools of thought that exist. We would have to make too many sacrifices, changes.

    I'm not ready to "own nothing and be happy". And why not? Because the flavor of living, being alive, would be turned into a stagnant pile of refuse. Life would have lost it's appeal. No challenges, no purposeful direction to aim at.

    A single government now, no matter how benign, would rely on a powerful controlling force which would enforce happiness while owning nothing. And this "force" can't exist in a vacuum. A single government now would mean the whole planet being ruled by a small group of men who live apart from the rest of us, protected by geographical isolation. They would have, at their call, a force of police whose duties included running enforcement centers to make sure everyone was happy owning nothing and re-education camps for those who weren't.

    And guess who will be the big boys? Just take a look at the self appointed god like men who meet each year in Davos. Yep. A single world government right now would be possible only if it were forced upon the people. And guess who is going to do the forcing? Schwab and company, that 's who.

    No thanks... I'll wait until humanity cleans up it's act. Then... a single world government will happen naturally, all by itself. No powerful elites sitting in judgment over the rest of us. None of that.

    But event hat existence would be a waste of energy. How are we to advance spiritually if we have no challenges to overcome by beating adversity?

    Living on Earth s not easy. There are other planets where human beings don't have it so rough. The benefit here though is that we grow spiritually much faster.

    How about we just leave it alone?