
  • G-d Doesn't Matter?
    1. You have to explain what you mean by "divine deity".
    2. The whole action of pleasing gods is just as to give people the certainty that their lifes have a meaning.
    3. In my personal opinion it is more likely that a benevolent God (it is just as likely for the God to be evil, but in that case nothing anyone does will "save him" after death) will want people to act in a good way (good is not, as many people thing, something subjective), so in consequence, the only reasonable way to act, asuming that there is a God from whom we know nothing, is to be ethically good.
  • Dialogue on the Christian Religion
    Considering that this is a philosophy forum it is better to talk about god in general terms, not relying on the bible or Christian beliefs (I myself am a Christian). So, from a philosophical point of view, the nature of God is unique: he is neither a being, nor anything we can "see". He is only the possibility of there being anything at all.

    Anything in the universe is a being in the sense that it has mass, energy, etc. God on the other hand is not a being, but also not an undefined something. He is simply the openness, the possibility of there being anything at all, independantly from beliefs, we know that God exists because there has to be something that makes possible the existance of every single object.

    The biggest implication is that God is omnipresent, which is repeatedly in many religions, including Christianity.

    Since we can only know the nature of what we call God, everyone is free to believe whatever interpretation of God he wants.

    (English is my third language, so excuse me for any grammatical mistakes).