
  • Is there a term for this type of fallacious argument?
    Ok, thanks so much everyone for the input. Plenty to consider here and I really appreciate it.
  • Is there a term for this type of fallacious argument?
    Thank you everyone (and very interesting about the origins of cynicism - reminds me of other terms that have had their meanings transformed/simplified over time).

    Although I understand the application of the modern definition of cynicism, it does seem an inexact one. I suppose this is to be expected due to the nature of language. But I feel the need to bang on. The issue is, I am seeing this kind of argument tactic used more and more in discussions around large existential issues, and it feels deserving of a more specific definition.

    Kismet led me to this essay, which I find reflective (and expands upon) what I'm attempting to focus on. I searched for the term 'futility bias' from other sources but I haven't found anything.