Does Religion Perpetuate and Promote a Regressive Worldview? I think the question you are asking is important, though, the problem that is see in your question is that you mainly critique Christians (mainly fundamentalist Christians). It is true that there are many contradictions with science and taking the Bible literally. Though just because there are Christians who take the Bible literally does not mean that there isn't an entirely different group that is trying to synthesize what they believe with reality.
There are some truly remarkable works in philosophy of religion (especially Christianity). One of my current favorites is William Lane Craig, who is best know for his popularization of the Kalam cosmological argument, writes on the question "What is the bare minimum we need to believe in Christianity?" This does not mean that we discard what is improbable, rather, we should interpret it in a way that is meaningful and in alignment with necessary doctrines.
To answer your question as to whether religion perpetuates regression, it depends. I think the question that should be asked is "Which religions are perpetuating regression?" It is clear that there are religions that do not allow for certain freedoms regardless of their morality. It is not a religions job to keep us from performing actions, its job is to show us that we ought to keep from performing those certain actions. From my perspective I don't know if I can answer yes or no. I really think it depends on the religion in question and if it is willing to adhere to what we know to be real.