
  • Objective News Viewership.
    Here's some hot-off-the-press Fox news. NY Sanctuary City now inundated with illegals assured of getting their money's worth from the cartel fees to smuggle them in because they can't be either deported or arrested. Here's video of a group of illegals attacking cops. They are arrested, then release. That's news! Oh...I can't seem to find it on any of your mainstream media outlets. No independents alleging its a lie. Hmmm. Oh, but you've been indoctrinated to believe that all cops are bad and worthy of abuse.
  • Objective News Viewership.
    "It seems." Sounds like smarmy conjecture from someone too afraid to even watch Fox. You march a mean lock-step, comrade!! Oh, and I've read enough of Al-Jazeera to know that they are anti-America. Are you living here in your safe space with all of your rights and liberties as a malcontent. Fortunately, you are free to move to the Middle East. Bring along all of that rainbow swag and see how that works out for you.
  • Objective News Viewership.
    I've used those resources. I've used Media Matters as well.
  • Objective News Viewership.
    Denial is a defense mechanism.
  • Objective News Viewership.
    As regards the reference to misspeaking and misspelling, I was simply emphasizing the double standard and selective reporting associated with certain news networks. As for Biden, He's done and said some absolutely bat sh_t crazy stuff. Tell you even know that the Trump/Russia Collusion thing Was a hoax? Do you know that the FBI/Facebook conspired prior to the last Presidential election to portray Hunter's laptop contents as Russian disinformation to pad Joe's poll numbers? Proven.'ll find it on Fox News. The Congressional Hearings etc. Don't even get me started with the whole Covid-19 debacle and how the DNC profited from their mandates.
  • Objective News Viewership.
    To what extent, if any, have you been informed of Biden's ineptitude and lies? His stumbling and bumbling? Do the website search on each website. See what you come up with. I'd post the links, however, I am too new to this forum for such credentials. Oh, and look for O'bama's speech where he referred to the Marines as Corpsman several times while pronouncing it phonetically. How'd he get into Harvard? Go ahead, Google it. See which news agencies covered it, and which ones didn't. Then go check out Vice President Dan Quayle Under President Bush misspelling the word "potato." He added an "e." Not incidentally, potato was historically spelled with an "e" until the mid twentieth century. All of the networks made much hay of it. Now let me guess, I'll get a bunch of responses that will minimize the above points. Or, maybe make their best defense an erroneous offense.
  • How Different Are Theism and Atheism as a Starting Point for Philosophy and Ethics?
    How, may I ask, can anyone rage objectively? They are antithetical. I would posit that the origins of a raging atheist extend more from a psychosis or ism. Carl Jung, (Freud's protege) rightfully contended the practical need for religion as a societal construct. Like it or not, our rule of law is fashioned from the well reasoned and respectful Ten Commandments. Peace.
  • Manifest Destiny Syndrome
    "Violence aside?" Violence IS the point and it is hardly incidental! Honestly....there seems a lot of gamers here desperate to protect their own implications. Engaging in violent video games renders the body comparatively sedentary to the mind. As your mind is satiated by your annihilation of others on the screen, your brain releases endorphins and melatonin. Consequently, you feel good...rewarded. Oh, and there are no REAL consequences to you getting virtually shot. No deterrence! Seems like a logical gateway to get multi-dimensional and include the body for some physical activity and, perhaps, increased stimulation and reward while perpetrating some actual carnage. Whereas myself, (for example) who used to engage in full contact karate back before it was a thing, learned to avoid fighting outside of the ring because I knew first hand the ramifications of giving and receiving a can of whoop a_s. I was as much satiated and humbled from the matches that I lost as those that I won on account of I always reflected and learned from both experiences. Peace!
  • Manifest Destiny Syndrome
    The U.S. has had a violent gun culture borne from Hollywood's gun glorification much envied by the wanna-be-feared-masses. Most gun related crimes committed in this country use illegally acquired guns. As of 2010 more than 50,000 guns were smuggled into this country every year. Those numbers have exponentially increased in recent years as Biden has opened the borders to human trafficking, drugs and more guns. Now...any more presumptions that would lead you to think that my thoughts are paradoxical? Any more reflexive rationale' that would serve to protect and preserve some bad habits?
  • Manifest Destiny Syndrome
    Very insightful. Thanks for the insight. The feedback was as cynical as it was foreboding. Denial is, indeed, a defense mechanism.
  • Manifest Destiny Syndrome
    Watching a film is hardly interactive. We have no control over the movie that we are watching. Tell me, are you a video gamer? How many hours a day or week? How does that amount of time compare to the time you give as an objective observer/participant of the world around you? Is it proportionate? You can be either defensive about these questions, or introspective. Peace!