Time Isn't Real Time is real, its passage can be measured using clocks and other devices. These are measurements of change, a concept that also relates to entropy, from which we can delineate an 'arrow of time'. Time is observable in the orbits of the planets, changes of the seasons, constant motion and change, the flow of rivers. Of course, these are all observable and, also by intuition, we develop a sense of time.
On a larger scale the expansion of the Universe, thought by scientists to be accelerative, could be the driving force of time's movements. The Big Bang would be its initiation. From that point onward we have this continuous flow of events, a sequence as the Universe cooled and expanded from its very hot and dense early stages. Here we are still embedded in physics and the natural sciences to understand time.
Time is what links all events, even though it is not a prime-mover or cause, somehow time is what connects all events that take place in the Universe. Every event that happens can be, as close as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle allows, pin-pointed to a point in time. This suggests that there is a Universal time as time, although Relativity might suggest otherwise, with motion close to that of light.