
  • Proving the universe is infinite
    Hi Asktheshadow. What you demonstrate is the referential function of symbols being used in a trivial context. If meta-book A contains data about book B, then the words/images/symbols in A have extensions in and at B. This process of creating meta-books goes on forever only because, as you are building your meta-book, you are introducing materials from somewhere (the book's cover, the ink used, etc.). This new matter is not "data about himself" as you put it. It is a set of artifacts that no book of yet has information about and which now have need to be described. If you could somehow make your meta-book without using describable things, then your infinity would neatly end. So then, I would suggest you explore where the other things (that allow you to create these new books) are coming from. When that source runs out, your infinity would likewise meet its end. Cantor made several missteps alongs these same lines. In Lak'ech.