
  • Currently Reading
    a great way of approaching those two is to read The Gay ScienceJamal

    Thank you, I've been meaning to pick that one up. I will look into reading that one first.

    you will need to check out Aristotle's The Poetics for a better idea of where he was coming from though (it is a short though, so not a huge burden).I like sushi

    Appreciate that I will give that a look today.

    Appreciate the help!
  • Currently Reading

    Thank you. I am very happy to be here! If you or anyone on this thread have any book recommendations on any subject of philosophy or various subjects that you enjoy I will gladly take any recommendations. I’m very open into understanding and learning any subject matter.
  • Currently Reading
    Currently reading On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo

    Been meaning to pick this book up. I've read Thus Spoke Zarathustra in the past when I was younger but honestly I didn't get too much out of that book. So people have recommended me to start reading the other books by Nietzsche then give TSZ another shot.

    After I finish up that book and before I continue my Nietzsche study I will be picking up Classical Cynicism: A Critical Study by Luis Navia. Been really wanting to study more of the ancient philosophy of Cynicism and Stoicism.