
  • Against All Nihilism and Antinatalism
    Personally, I love living life, and I truly enjoy the pleasures of joy, camaraderie, whatever other good things occur throughout life. However, I do still feel living is somewhat pointless. Why slave all the hours of the day away working, studying, whatever, just to die one day?

    To have everything forgotten. Every accomplishment you've worked so hard to achieve. Everything gone forever. Well, unless it turns out the afterlife is a legitimate thing, but until there is some sort of scientific evidence I won't believe in that fully.

    Of course, the joys of life are enough to continue living, but as a human being the only thing we live for is to reproduce and to aid our species. As Ender's Game says, humans are ultimately just tools, and the entire life we live is just to further our species. It's sad when I think about it that way.

Open-minded Opossum

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