I can't speak to the reasons why the spread of the virus has increased in other countries, but I can say something about Austria.
Austria was one of the first counties to place a lockdown into effect. We had a great deal of mild panic in the beginning, but it really settled down after a few days. Home office became the norm. Home schooling became an ordeal, but for the most part Austria was well prepared with decent internet connections and all teachers being able to do online classes.
Once the masks were proven to be somewhat effective, Austria took little time to put measures into effect to make masks norms without endless debate. Sure it was strange and to a degree inconvenient, but hey it helped a lot.
We used network theory to help find potential hot spots and clusters before they formed. The models were extremely helpful and yes... were a major player in the fight against this virus.
We did home office and got that up and running as well as it could run very quickly. We set up social programs to have partial employment of those in sectors that were very much exposed to the virus as to keep people employed with most of the incomes and keep business afloat without too many going belly up.
We did home schooling and yes parent for a brief moment came to value the profession of teachers. Thankfully Austria has a very good internet service and for those who were in a disadvantage they rather quickly found aid to help their kids still learn.
Sure some folks complained about not getting haircuts or being able to go to the fitness center, but for the vast majority such measures were viewed as absolutely necessary. Austria became, for a short while, a model of success in the battle.
OK... the number of cases were worked down fairly quickly from a 7 day moving average of about 740 new cases in late March to a moving average of between 25 to 35 new cases from the end of May to the end of June.
Today we had over 3,500 new cases and now a moving 7 day average of new cases over well over 2000. (and to think during all of May and June we had only 2,300 new cases in total)
So, what happened?
More or less the people became very comfortable with the virus . They also became impatient with the governing authorities and wanted life as usual. As we began to slowly reopen the people put pressure upon the political authorities to quicken the removal of restrictions much faster than the medical community recommended. Once a restriction was loosened the people took to it like American shoppers on Black Friday. If the restrictions stated a social gather of 50 people was the maximum there was no social gathering happening under 70 people. Basically the pushed every loosing of the restrictions to the very limit of the law and beyond.
The watershed moment came when the people placed extreme pressure upon the government that summer vacations outside Austria for Austrians and of course having tourism return for a few weeks in summer was SO NECESSARY to keep themselves sane and of course to recover a small bit of the losses in the economy.
So for the final month of the season Austria reopened. Now there were restrictions and guidelines, but hey... it's a vacation... which meant a vacation from the guidelines as well.
Prior to the vacation is a must the cases were beginning to go on the rise once more, but it 'seemed' a slow and 'manageable' increase from the perspective of the people demanding a vacation and the political heads remembering that they are exactly that political heads... they needed the people's support to keep their jobs.
Of course the medical professions were stating over and over this is going to be really bad, but no one cared to listen. The populist talking heads constantly mentioned how there are so many beds free in our super equipped hospitals for patients and as long as that's the case why constrict anyone's freedom. (once I heard this BS I kind of felt the virus quietly say "Yummie!")
As if someone set off a light switch the numbers exactly 2 weeks after the vacation season was over exploded like never before, but the people grew found of the reacquired social mobility and the 'liberty of the individual' was touted as the real important issue in debates. In the case of Austria mostly by the liberal parties, especially the Greens. (this ain't America)
So... after nearly 3 months of lockdown and nearly beating this damned virus, the NEED for a vacation for 4 weeks has caused us to be in worse shape than ever thought. Well... more than ever thought by the people, as the folks in the medical professions kept saying 'this is a very bad idea... a very bad idea indeed'.
So now we are on the verge of another lockdown, but they can't call it that, but that's what it's gonna be. At the moment the government turned back into a political theater with wishy washy restrictions that seem to change on a daily basis. They set up a 'Corona Stop Light'... after weeks of debate and anticipation, well... on the first day it was presented if was already redundant. That's what happens when the science is no longer done by scientists, but by political science appointees. It's a total mess.
Personally I hope the people of Austria remember how nice those 4 weeks of vacation were when they realize that the entire Ski vacation season in Austria (the entire industry of Ski Vacations!!!) will be more or less a total bust. Basically 4 weeks of vacation will likely kill off 5 months of a ski season... the single biggest money maker in the tourist sector and the 3rd most important sector of the Austrian economy.
I just hope the 'selfies' were nice, as they'll have all winter to admire them while they find themselves unemployed.