How would you describe consciousness? I think that the whole subject is being approached from the wrong direction. I think that the metaphysical question that must be first answered is 'what is intelligence?'. Isn't the Chinese room partially representative of how the brain actually functions by using a constant set of automatic mind states?
If I learn about 3 types of rock, I can pass myself off as a geologist, three types of birds etc
If learn three concepts of philosophy of mind in depth, and talk about them, you would automatically assume that I am intelligent, at least in that subject; where as all I have done is memorized a lot of syntax without any full semantic understanding of the concepts of which I would be talking about.
Is it not also possible that most inter personal communication and indeed most 'mind function' are 'automatic responses' carried out without true thought in a Chinese room style?
Many of us go through life in this state, faking it, living the illusion according to oriental philosophies and religions.
Could it not be that if you get enough layers of multiple syntax simultaneously then the semantics are 'created' from the syntax?