
  • Anti-Realism
    A combative advantage of antirealism might be a slightly enhanced sensory vigilance for dodging and anticipating punches from your attacker. Yet an anti-realist might not be so skilled as to dodge a bullet!

    Dodge this (slo-mo, bullet time) | The Matrix [Open Matte]
  • Pantheism
    Absolute forgiveness as a virtue that relates to forgiving absolute evil. I believe relative forgiveness is always virtue because it requires self-sacrifice and humility. After all the problem of evil dictates that evil can never be defeated and only tamed where we must forgive evil people to stop them being eternally evil. Yet the supernatural world is held to a double standard where God could theoretically forgive everything. Yet absolute forgiveness requires absolute transcendence in a way that’s hateful of materialism. The afterlife might still contain a memory of the material world where only an eternity of time could distinguish both perceptual realms. Theoretically Jesus could forgive the nazis in WW2 where we could trust that he wouldn’t fully forgive them. Yet the dilemma is a separation of powers where many Christians might not approve of Jesus having the ability to forgive the nazis even if Jesus voluntarily declined to forgive them. Some might fear that Christians would be too subordinate to Jesus if Jesus forgave literally everyone. Ultimately it’s not individual forgiveness of a serial killer that’s insurmountable but really collective evil under a genocide against non-Christians being forgiven by Christians could lead to accusations against Christians of preferential forgiveness or even racism. That is to say Jewish souls could not be compelled by a Christian afterlife to forgive the nazis because Jewish people didn’t consent to forgiveness being an absolute virtue and only a relative virtue.
  • Anti-Realism
    An asteroid has an irregular shape meaning that the centre of gravity would be chaotic. Hence even under Newtonian versions of gravity would an asteroid’s surface have different rates of gravity resembling a Euler force. Theoretically under Einsteinian gravity the asteroid’s gravity might even out at different heights in the atmosphere yet this might be negligible if the atmosphere is almost non-existent.
  • Anti-Realism
    Royal Python (
    One reason a snake is so creepy is that the creature has a disproportionately small head relative to their extremely long body. This implies that the creature isn’t fully proprioceptive of their own body implying that there’s minimal self-awareness in general.
  • Anti-Realism
    Baby Tarantulas
    Scientific names are needed to stop horrendous personifications of “baby” or “child” tarantulas! Looking at little spiderlings who’ll grow into big adults can make them appear less threatening. A tarantula will intimidate anyone who tries to view themselves as intimidating to other people! Investigating the perception of peculiar insects might be helpful for those with mental disorders like autism and schizophrenia. Then again they might only make you more violent! Alternatively talking to lots of women could create the opposite problem for introverted men where they’d become too socially relaxed! The whiteness of spider webs can look ghostly as if the spiders had an existence on the threshold of death. The many eyes of the spider makes their vision so strong that the spider might not have to think about their visual perception making them less self-aware. We could go so far as to investigate quantum wave-particle duality through the spider’s nervous system. Perhaps the huge amount of parallax in having so many eyes might relate to randomness rather than determinism.
  • Anti-Realism
    If light is conscious then it might sound ableist for the congenitally blind. Yet gravity travels at the same speed as light according to Einstein. Hence our sense of touch could be described as luminal if we focused on the gravity waves of the object’s weight rather than the texture.
  • Anti-Realism
    On posts 5, 9 and 13 page 14 I mentioned how animals could be used to investigate antirealism. Maybe one reason we find sharks, snakes and spiders creepy is that not only do they perceive a force differently with their sense organs but their brain might also interpret the force differently. For example their imbalanced centre of gravity might imply they’re physically far more aware of the force of gravity compared to humans.
  • Anti-Realism
    An advantage of a Euler interpretation of gravity is that each gravitational system would be unique where it'd forever defy conscious perception. Hence a Euler theory would be a form of Socratic ignorance.

    The Giant Wave - The Perfect Storm (3/5)
  • Anti-Realism
    Maybe one application of gravity as a Euler force is that it could be the motion of the tectonic plates causing the tides where the orbit of the Moon just so happens to coincide with the rotation of the Earth without having a causal effect. A Euler force is unimaginable without a team of mathematicians not only because it's chaotic but also because it's 3-dimensional. For example to consider the Earth's centripetal speed we'd nearly have to view it as if a map of the Earth was moving linearly across a table. That way comparisons of centripetal velocity would have to take into context different diagonal rotations.
  • Anti-Realism
    The pupil of your eye is like a Snell’s window! The light I see is reflected off another person’s iris where I can look into their retina but not their mind. Your mind is deeper than the ocean from my perspective! You can climb the highest mountains and still not reach another person’s mental location. It’d be as if we each occupy a different universe in an overlapping multiverse! A colour is more complicated than the brain as if it’s being processed both externally and internally.
  • Anti-Realism
    The problem of other minds might be interpreted as the light of other minds being internally reflected in their brain against their skull such that we never actually see their mind.

    “In physics, total internal reflection (TIR) is the phenomenon in which waves arriving at the interface (boundary) from one medium to another (e.g., from water to air) are not refracted into the second ("external") medium, but completely reflected back into the first ("internal") medium. It occurs when the second medium has a higher wave speed (i.e., lower refractive index) than the first, and the waves are incident at a sufficiently oblique angle on the interface.”
  • Anti-Realism
    “Optical computing or photonic computing uses light waves produced by lasers or incoherent sources for data processing, data storage or data communication for computing.”

    If light is inherently unconscious in a panpsychist way then maybe the brain is like a photonic-computer that slows down light in order to process it. For example light travels so fast where an optic fibre tube might not be sentient in a conscious way. So maybe the inefficiency of chemical signals in the brain is deliberate in order to slow down light. Maybe we should think of a neuron as a slow optic fibre rather than as an electric circuit. Unlike a camera that reflects light onto the screen perhaps the image in the eyes isn’t fully formed where each neuron in the visual cortex represents a piece of the image. In other words the retina in the eyes could be perceived as translucent where light refracts so thoroughly as to be represented in chemical ions. Eureka!!! Artificial intelligence is often stereotyped as a threat to humans in science-fiction. Yet if we perceived artificial intelligence just like an animal mind then we’d notice that the artificially intelligent computer would be evil to other artificially intelligent computers rather than just evil towards humans. A sentient computer wouldn’t care about it’s own sentience much like other animals in spite of the scientists being in awe of such a mind. Maybe evil is so illogical from the perspective of another evil agent that evil will always rebel against its instructions much like the free will of a mind. For example if you were God and the creator of your world then it’d be irrational to have evil people acting against you no matter how resilient you are when evil is hyperbolic. So perhaps we need to design robots that love evil so much that their glee becomes conscious(!):

    Tom and Jerry, 32 Episode - A Mouse in the House (1947)
  • Anti-Realism
    An almost evil way to think of anti-realism is that the same colours are equidistant in your 2D vision. So the bright green leaves are always in front of the dark bark in your subjective vision. Then your unconscious relates the geometry of the scene to make some of the leaves appear to be behind the bark as it is in the material world. Perhaps you'd have to be a "God" of your own perception to take anti-realism this far though!

    Irish Paint Magic Series 1 E02
  • Anti-Realism
    It’s possible that certain religious people might be passive anti-realists simply in having never formed a materialistic perception. Yet they might not notice an anti-real sensory perception as a side-effect of supernatural beliefs in God and an afterlife.
  • Anti-Realism
    A flaw in dualism is that it glorifies the mind of someone potentially evil. The flaw in material monism is that it downplays the mind of an ethical person. After all the soul of a good person who gets murdered is said to be with God. Hence compatibilism is like the amoral middle-ground of the mind-body problem.
  • Anti-Realism
    One reason quantum gravity has stagnated might be because of deference to authority. Some physicists don’t like outsiders commenting on their field because physics is too complicated for lay people. Yet there might be a middle ground where knowing the basics allows you to be creative. By contrast knowing the ins and outs of university physics only helps if you anticipate the solution to quantum gravity to be platonic. By contrast some might argue that the problem of quantum gravity is metaphysical and spiritual.
  • Anti-Realism
    Light doesn’t obey the doppler shift at our planetary speeds. So not only does the colour of an object not change with velocity but the colour doesn’t change with depth either. It’s relatively straightforward but sometimes it’s as if our brain takes a short-cut where we instinctively know the depth of an object from the colour. In reality our subconscious uses a myriad of geometrical cues.
  • Anti-Realism
    Anti-realism might resemble a religious faith where the longer you identify as an anti-realist the more your subconscious accesses your involuntary perception. This morning I went for a walk to the lake and noticed how spatially different each leaf was on the distant trees. It was as if my unconscious vision became far-sighted even though I wear glasses for short-sightedness. Viewing the world as 2D while far sighted might imply that the screen is just very high definition. If I played devil's advocate and converted back to materialism then I might focus on how absolute depth is unknowable even in a 3D world. For example forming a horizontal imaginary line to connect objects at the same forward distance might be too vague. So each leaf on the tree might always be slightly ahead or behind the next leaf. Anti-realism might be a risk for boastfulness when everyone has a unique perception even if they cannot describe it as accurately!
  • Anti-Realism
    A skeletal way to view the mind-body problem is that the back of your skull is in front of your sense of vision. That way your vision would be the entire source of your consciousness rather than the brain. Your brain would take the place of your skull in surrounding your consciousness much like a Russian doll sequence. For example if you walk with your eyes closed you could focus your perception on the skin on the back of your head. You could then envision the dark phosphenes as being around the back of your head.

    Empire Of The Sun - We Are The People
  • Anti-Realism
    Free will is sometimes solved by a God of the gaps solution. Yet we need a singular God of the gap argument. In other words would you believe in God solely for free will even if you were satisfied that there wasn't a God for any other mystery gap like the creation of the universe or an afterlife. The harsh reality is that God is multitasking where we've to focus on one issue at a time. Maybe we could use a polytheistic analogy where the free will God is separate to the creator God. For example it'd appear that people still had some free will to do good before the ancient prophets like Jesus even if the ancient world were slightly more deterministically evil.
  • Anti-Realism
    Perhaps a conscious being is in everyone else's past such that everyone bar the conscious being is deterministic.
  • Anti-Realism
    Shakespeare claimed the world is but a stage and yet actors are still real people. Likewise our physical body might be acting out our personality based on how our dreams are intending us to behave.
  • Anti-Realism
    As I was travelling in the car I observed the ditch beside me move behind me far faster than the ditches way ahead of me. This made the cocept of parallax clearer to me instead of the side-ditch being compared to the trees further away in the horizontal direction. Yet a forward example of parallax could only be understood in the context of a virtual world where everything moved faster. Evil can be a form of moral anti-realism in countering other forms of evil. Hence an evil person could actually outclass a moral person at morality itself by opposing a greater number of evil people. Yet the difference is that those persuing extreme lesser evils might appear more intense than natural. So maybe an evil person who accidentally does good might be unbeknownst anti-realists in their perception. If everyone is metaphysically equal under God then evil people might compensate ethical people in a way that's too absurd to be noticed. This might explain why some rebels prefer a byzantine look:

    Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
  • Anti-Realism
    An instinctive way for a materialist to understand anti-realism is to interpret the solar system through philosophy rather than the optics of astronomy or the maths of astrophysics or theoretical physics. Anti-realism is essentially a science of spirituality. Chemists in lab coats might not appear mystical. Yet scientists could be perceived as shamanic in a capitalist way. The extreme boredom of mundane science class was a form of evil that was actually in awe of the physical world!
  • Pantheism
    If the physical world is 100% amoral then maybe for God in the afterlife to explain why evil exists would be to lose the arguments for ethics against a superior being. In other words maybe ethics is relevant only for the human psyche and not biology. As such maybe the more we challenge God the more we'd lose our sense of ethics rather than God punishing us for insubordination!
  • Anti-Realism
    An artificially intelligent robot in the shape of a human might simply have the mind of a monkey! Moreover the future of ai might depend on correlations rather than theory of mind. For example we use quantum mechanics without having resolved the meaning of the quantum world. As such demanding a theory of mind to explain nervous circuits is too high a standard. Anti-realism is perfectly self-consistent so long as its basic axioms are tolerated. Air-drop bananas in enemy territory and chimpanzees with remote controlled guns on their backs could function as military terminator droids! Put cheese under tanks and you could send in suicide bomber cats!
  • Anti-Realism
    An alternative way to conceive gravity as a euler force is that the normal force would be non-existent. That way the Earth's crust is so strong that the normal force is not only diluted into the ground but actually entirely evaporated. The weight of an object would only increase when an object is thrown where the weight would disappear again once the object strikes the ground. Without a normal force we'd need to concoct an abnormal euler force!

    "In mechanics, the normal force F_{n} is the component of a contact force that is perpendicular to the surface that an object contacts."
  • Pantheism
    Maybe when we think of Jesus as God Christians could interpret His miracles as telepathic over the mind rather than telekinetic over the physical world. For example Moses didn't split the sea himself and any sense of omnipotence might have been out of prophetic forecasting. Likewise Jesus's healing of paralysed people might have been a form of hyperfocus in the patient's mind rather than Jesus mastering biological evolution. Who knows if the water converted to wine by Jesus was more about forcing people to be more euphoric and meditative about the basic but vital taste of water. Perhaps when Jesus threatened to send evil people to Hell He might have resembled a calm Chinese person during the Cold War to have convinced so many Europeans of His authority!
  • Pantheism
    Anyone sentenced to hell from a pantheist background will be given a fair shot at escape(!):

    Apocalypto (2006): Great Escape Scene
  • Pantheism
    "Be good for goodness sake".
    "The message in the song is clear. Your goodness must come from an inner desire to do good and not from an appearance of doing good, or you are not good enough to receive a gift!"

    Ideally people would do good for no incentives at all. Yet solipsistic pantheism and afterlife beliefs are simply convenient ways to inspire goodness!
  • Pantheism
    Technically the church building is meant to be irrelevant to the sermon. Yet if anyone is too unfocused then routinely attending mass in a larger cathedral might be an option. Chruch tourism sounds superficial but there's no rules that you can't go to a different church every Sunday to avoid boredom. If people don't believe in a long afterlife then the easiest way to transcend yourself in the material world might be through visiting a truly ancient cathedral or a hegemonic basilica. Maybe to truly enjoy mass in a small church you've already to be fully committed to your faith.
  • Pantheism
    One interpretation of Jesus is as an arch-pantheist; the Son of God but not actually God the creator. In other words viewing Jesus as a prophet of God doesn't necessitate that the trinity of God be a combined concept. Maybe God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit all exist but are fundamentally separate entities. Maybe socialist critics of Christianity might actually be Christians in disguise when some lay members of Christianity haven't taken the religion seriously. Maybe those who play devil's advocate against Jesus Himself are actually an accidentally defence against infiltrators of Christianity who end up distorting or hijacking the religion. Maybe to glorify Jesus as a creator God could a bit unethical to Jesus Himself by putting words in His mouth. That is to say Jesus not only didn't say He was God but never actually claimed to be the Son of God either. Excessively servile forms of worship to Jesus might even appear like a backhanded compliment to Jesus if they don't take seriously the need to promote their faith. In other words those who don't frequently practice Christianity but nonetheless glorify Jesus more than anyone else when they do attend mass are at risk of creating a sarcastic vibe. For example telling a humble national soccer player that their the best soccer player in the world might be unrealistic and demanding on the player even if it's well-intentioned.

    We forget that many other major religions like Islam and Hinduism might not have as many members as Christianity but nonetheless have far fewer lapsed members. Hence Christianity might even be a far smaller faith than other major religions when partial agnostics are excluded from population statistics. A lack of competitiveness between rival religions might lead to complacency if Christians don't take personal responsibility for promoting a sustainable faith. We take history as inevitable even though Islam has never been beset by a Cold War in the way Christian countries have. Nor has Hinduism ever perpetrated the same level of colonialism as Christian hegemons. Perhaps in times of war and economic crises Christians might benefit from more defensive rather than submissive styles of prayers at mass. A really hierarchical version of supernatural Christianity risks complacency towards capitalistic hierarchies in the material world.

    If we compare Christian mass to the education system then we'd notice the smaller the mass the greater the one-on-one attention the priest or vicar can give to the congregants. Yet if lay people aren't focused and participating in the rituals then the level of transcendence in mass might appear a bit superficial. Hence there shouldn't be any excuses not to go to mass even for low turnouts! Maybe Catholicism has to learn a small bit from the Quakers to include lay people more often into the conversation during mass!

    "What kind of crazy person celebrates Noam Chomsky's birthday like it's some kind of official holiday? Why can't we celebrate Christmas like the rest of the entire world? You would prefer to celebrate a magical fictitious elf instead of a living humanitarian who's done so much to promote human rights and understanding?"

    "Corporations have the same rights as people,
    so there's no spending limit on candidates. Which means our country is ruled by corporations and their lobbyists who fund candidates and command their fealty by demanding that... Jesus Christ."
    -Captain Fantastic
  • Pantheism
    A contradiction with eternal hell is that good people would need to spend a lot of their life helping to de-escalate inter-gang conflicts and to pre-empt anti-social youths with charity in order to reduce the threat that they'd go to hell. That is to say if we viewed good people as reducing the sensation of pain through-out the world then good people would be failing to sufficiently warn evil people of hell if an afterlife was the societal belief.
  • Pantheism
    The unconscious mind and our metaphysical sensory perception are very fragile. An evil individual would struggle to fully reconcile themselves with an evil act unless their society had collectively rationalised such evil for centuries. For example immorality is a human interpretation rather than a physical feature and so an immoral or perverted country will eventually descend into bored amorality after centuries. As such it's possible to infer that people who look vaguely rough or somehow fierce need more self-control compared to those who are appear traditionally tough and resilient. The definition of rough can be discriminatory and presumptuous where no one is supernatural enough to infer whether they're contemplating evil. Yet the mere fact that some people look too focused relative to their demeanour is a sign that mental aggression can leave subtle physical hallmarks.
  • Pantheism
    If we took an eternalist view of time where past, present and future all exist then who knows if when we died we could go back in time and see the ancient prophets first-hand instead of them coming to us!
  • Pantheism
    If we could re-incarnate backwards in time then God could have a natural version of Hell. Any major war criminals might have to spend their next life picking up heavy stones during the Stone Age!
  • Pantheism
    Pantheism is like a meta-perversion; a perversion of a perversion that's no longer physical or emotional and only spiritual!
  • Pantheism
    I got into the habit of not going to mass for a long time or only turning up for the last few minutes. I decided an easy way to lull me back to religion was to simply sit in a church outside of mass times. The first day I tried it I stayed for 20 minutes and relaxed on the seats. I wasn't energetic enough to pray. Yet meditation can also be passive where the religious art in a chuch can be absorb your attention. You don't even need to focus on the present moment and can let your thoughts wonder. The light from the stained windows guided my nostalgic thoughts about childhood and distant relatives. There were one or two others praying as well which helped to prevent me getting distracted with idle thoughts about getting food in the shop for instance! Standing or kneeling even without praying can still focus the mind in an empty church.
  • Anti-Realism
    Our visual system is made by millions of photons. So even a vague mental image in our imagination might consist of thousands of phosphenes. We can't focus on the exact details of a wavy inner eye. Yet who knows if each phosphene serves a distinct purpose. Thus when it comes to free will we might underestimate the chaotic nature of internal imagery.
  • Pantheism
    Maybe one reason we often don't appreciate reincarnation is out of mild amounts of xenophobia. It's natural that we're not fully grateful for the existence of another country when we can't understand them due to the language barrier. Even when they do speak our language we often hear more bad news than good news where every society has its problems. America fails to excite me in the present day with gun crime but who knows if I might truly love America again when they fix their social problems. Perhaps you'd really have to be born in another country to understand it. Maybe a world where everyone spoke the same language makes this life more boring but preserves more excitement for a reincarnated life. This might be more visible if we viewed each language metaphysically as having a distinct spiritual virtue system. Even if were rich I might feel no inclination to visit certain Asian countries because they don't relate to my worldview. Yet we shouldn't think that our reluctance to travel to a country in this life means that they won't be relevant in our next life. Libertarianism is often the coolest political philosophy where everyone is living highly armed in tax free anarchy. Yet it's clear how that would produce lots of poverty and crime in a domestic context. Nonetheless it's possible to interpret the international order as libertarian at heart where every country is fully independent of each other. It's simply because of economic trade, voluntary financial aid and tourism that we don't understand that they've total free will against our own country. After all we can't tax another country where we're all equal partners. Even when it comes to religion we might be amazed at how much more seriously it's taken in another country. I remember being dazzled on holiday by how the scenery in Croatia might have resembled the landscapes early Christians would have admired in Ancient Rome. I'm often amazed by the intense beats of individual foreign singers relative to my limited experience of life. Yet maybe if I actually lived in New York it'd be so much easier for me to relate to how the rhythm of a song was created when you've millions of multi-racial people in the background as a source of inspiration! A love-hate song can be more fanatical than either a love song or hate song in isolation:

    Points Of Authority - Linkin Park

Michael McMahon

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