Anti-Realism If I fail to find posthumous fame for my theories of non-reality then I might perhaps still get recognition for being a good psychologist of philosophers and scientist in what would be a very meta title for trying to understand the mindsets of other philosophers and scientists seeking fame! Perhaps for an apparent crackpot like myself to appear persuasive then I'd have to be more grateful for other supposed crackpots! I was never too interested in the microtubule theory of consciousness for having ignored the notion of temporal relations but the theory might be wonderful to me for the inverted reason for having limited other overly reductionistic theories of the mind! Too many neuroscientists are obsessed about patterns of neurons without realising that there wasn't a hidden neuron that they forgot about to give rise to consciousness. As such the microtubule theory forced the issue by implying that other nervous patterns in the brain that would hypothetically give rise to consciousness might really just be an understated version of an intra-cellular neuronal theory of the mind as we see in microtubules.
Stuart Hammerof - Quantum Physics of Consciousness
Science in medieval history arose to oppose evil versions of religions like witchcraft and monarchy rather than to oppose religion itself or to directly assert what reality is. If we were trying to be as upbeat about materialism as religious people are about God then materialists might have to convey how tranquil it is to have a skull and a skeleton!
Fall Out Boy - Thnks fr th Mmrs
If I'm ever redemptive to scientists it might be because I forced the issue by claiming that anti-realism is compatible with the physical world temporarily existing during waking life and disappearing during dreams. Even though many materialists might disagree with me on symbolic grounds when the mind is a mystery they might ironically fail to disagree with me thoroughly enough when an absolute materialist could only fathom the material world as permanently existing throughout their life. Perhaps this is one reason why western materialists might fail to match the seriousness of Asian materialists who might have been materialists for millennia!
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (8/12) Movie CLIP - The Bride vs. Gogo (2003)